2017-04-18 01:32:21
온타리오도 이와 비슷하게, public holiday pay (일반시급은 아니고 4주간의 페이에 따라 계산된 돈) + premium pay 를 받습니다.
https://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/pubs/guide/publicholidays.php 참조:
Public holiday pay calculation
First John-Duncan's total regular wages earned in the four work weeks before the public holiday are calculated:
8 hours per day X $14.00 per hour = $112.00 per day
$112.00 per day X 5 days = $560.00 per week
$560.00 X 4 work weeks = $2,240.00
John-Duncan earned $2,240.00 in the four work weeks before the public holiday.
Second, the amount of vacation pay payable with respect to the four work weeks before the public holiday is calculated. Because John-Duncan gets paid his vacation pay before he takes vacation and he was not on vacation during the four work week period, his vacation pay payable is: $0.
His total wages earned plus vacation pay payable is then divided by 20:
($2,240.00 + $0) ÷ 20 = $112.00
John-Duncan’s public holiday pay entitlement is $112.00.
Premium pay calculation
Finally, the premium pay owing to John-Duncan for his work on the public holiday is calculated:
$14.00 per hour X 1½ = $21.00
$21.00 per hour X 8 hours worked = $168.00
John-Duncan’s premium pay entitlement is $168.00.
Result: John-Duncan is entitled to public holiday pay of $112.00 and premium pay of $168.00, for a total of $280.00.