개인차단 상태
wildcat님의 개인페이지입니다
회원가입 : 15-12-18
방문횟수 : 1357회
닉네임 변경이력
757 2016-11-13 20:47:56 2
어제 집회 어디 주로 계셨나요? [새창]
2016/11/13 20:39:56
A1 근처에 있다가 밤 12시 조금 전에 박원순 시장님이랑 악수를 하는 영광을
756 2016-11-13 09:17:36 0
어제도 시위에 등판하신 ㅇㅅㅇ 민련당과 다이나믹 로동당에 대해 짧게 [새창]
2016/11/13 06:22:06
YS는 타이틀만 문민정부지 임기말 IMF실정과 지지도 몰락을 공안탄압으로 짓밟은 정권입니다.
755 2016-11-12 02:23:52 0
96년 범대회 같은데 모자가 96년 통선대 모자 같음.
754 2016-11-11 11:28:43 1
어째 황교안이 더 고렙인듯ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [새창]
2016/11/11 11:18:44
잘 나가다가 박영선이 말아먹네
753 2016-11-11 10:02:31 5
딴따라도 부역한놈들이 있으면 알아야죠. 그거 깐다고 지금 정국이 분산되고 그렇지 않아요. 불쏘시개지.
752 2016-11-10 00:43:07 10
이해찬 “美 대통령 당선인 축하전화 해야 하는데, 대화 오갈 수 있을지… [새창]
2016/11/09 23:51:08
트럼프가 이렇게 말할듯
You are fired!
751 2016-11-03 10:55:59 0
영어 문법 if had not been for('~가 없었다면' 구문) [새창]
2016/11/01 16:16:57
위에서 이야기 한 도치구문 뿐만 아니라 직설법과 상관없이 Written English 의 If절에는 was를 쓰면 안됩니다. 예외인것이죠.


If he were French, he would live in Paris.
If she were rich, she would buy a yacht.
I would play basketball if I were taller.
I would buy that computer if it were cheaper.
I would buy that computer if it was cheaper.
(= Not Correct, But often said in conversation)
750 2016-11-03 10:48:33 0
영어 문법 if had not been for('~가 없었다면' 구문) [새창]
2016/11/01 16:16:57
although both "if I were" and "if I was" are descriptively correct in subjunctive statements (though "if I were" may be considered more "proper"), only the former allows conditional inversion: "Were I to win the lottery, I would buy a private island" is fine, but you'll never hear anyone say "Was I to win the lottery, I would buy a private island" (even though you might hear someone say "If I was to win the lottery, I would buy a private island").
749 2016-11-03 10:46:12 0
영어 문법 if had not been for('~가 없었다면' 구문) [새창]
2016/11/01 16:16:57
The genuine past subjunctive for hypothetical statements as "If I were* a rich man" (* marks subjunctive) is mostly replaced by "was*" in colloquial language, but this was* functions as a subjunctive.
구어체에서 쓰는 거지 저걸 글로 쓰면 틀렸다가 아니라 안되는 거로 알고 있습니다. I am going to 를 I am gonna 이렇게 쓸 수 없는 것처럼요. 구어체문장을 그냥 옮겨서 적는 거라면 문제 없는데 시험이나 이런데에서는 절대로 저렇게 출제되지 않습니다.
748 2016-11-03 10:39:34 0
영어 문법 if had not been for('~가 없었다면' 구문) [새창]
2016/11/01 16:16:57
If절에서 was는 Written English 에서 절대 쓸 수 없습니다. 잘못알고 계신거 같은데요.
747 2016-11-03 10:22:21 14
정부.여당 폭망중 더민주.문재인 전지역 1위 [새창]
2016/11/03 09:56:20
민주당 삽질한다고 새누리 찍은 사람들은 애초에 민주당 찍지도 않은 사람들이 대다수일거임.
746 2016-11-03 10:17:30 0
[민주당 6명 긴급 성명] 박근혜 대통령은 하루빨리 퇴진하라! [새창]
2016/11/03 10:13:26
정권퇴진 운운하는 것은 북한에서 남조선 괴뢰도당 이라고 이야기할때나 들울 수 있는 이야긴줄 알았는데 우리나라의 현실이 되어버렸군요. 흑흑.
745 2016-11-03 10:04:15 0
영어 문법 if had not been for('~가 없었다면' 구문) [새창]
2016/11/01 16:16:57
Yes. Each of your three sentences compares different things. They are all correct.

Of the three, you are right to think that sentence 3 is probably the most useful. It's the sentence that most people would actually say in a conversation.
744 2016-11-03 09:57:51 2
개똥 사건의 배후세력 [새창]
2016/11/03 09:12:52
근데 고놈 똥도 많이도 쌌네
743 2016-11-03 09:39:56 0
영어 문법 if had not been for('~가 없었다면' 구문) [새창]
2016/11/01 16:16:57
다시 물어봤는데 제가 중점으로 봤던 거는 Tense에 관한 의문이었는데. 모두 가능하다고 다시 알려주네요.
예문은 위의 알려주신 예문으로 물어봤습니다. 시제 물어봤는데 관사빠진거랑 다른거 지적을 --;

Please, let me know which one is correct sentence.
1. Had I not married my Sicilian husband, I wouldn’t have been what I am now–health conscious cook.
2. Had I not married my Sicilian husband, I wouldn’t have been what I was then–health conscious cook.
3. Had I not married my Sicilian husband, I wouldn’t be what I am now–health conscious cook.

Unfortunately, because the determiner "a" is missing before "health conscious cook", they are all wrong.

Add that to each one, and they're all possible and correct. The adverbs of time before the dash (now, then) are unnecessary because the verb tenses (am, was) already communicate those ideas.

wouldn't have been what I am now compares what you might have been then with what you actually are now. If that's what you want to compare, you can certainly do it.
wouldn't have been what I was then compares what you might have been then with what you actually were then. If that's what you want to compare, you can certainly do it.
I know you are focusing on the tenses. But, You can't compare something from one time period with another thing from a different time period without changing the verb tenses to show that. Each of your three sentences compares different things.
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