개인차단 상태
술덕후님의 개인페이지입니다
회원가입 : 14-09-03
방문횟수 : 1026회
닉네임 변경이력
4228 2016-07-12 21:42:34 4
4227 2016-07-12 20:58:30 0
가장 잘 어울리는 음식이 뭘까여? [새창]
2016/07/12 20:18:35
양념이 거의 없는거랑 드시는게 좋을거같습니다

뭐 삼겹살이나. . . . 소고기. . .

과일이나. . . 흠 . . .

소주랑 잘어울리는 애랑 같이드셔보세여
4226 2016-07-12 20:56:49 1
가장 잘 어울리는 음식이 뭘까여? [새창]
2016/07/12 20:18:35
보드카는 걍 아무 안주랑 드셔도 무난해요

좋지도않고 나쁘지도않은?

개인적으로는 샷으로 드시는걸 추천. . .합니다만 보드카에 안익숙하시다면 냉동실에 얼려서 (얼지는 않아요 걸쭉해짐) 드시거나 온더락스로. . .

비싼넘이니까 칵테일은 왠만하면 ㅎㅎ 피하시는게
4225 2016-07-12 20:54:52 0
가장 잘 어울리는 음식이 뭘까여? [새창]
2016/07/12 20:18:35
그건 캐비어가 워낙 향과 맛이 강해서 매칭시킬 술이없다보니 하는말이죠 뭐. . .
캐비어에 샴페인마셔봤는데 샴페인이 압도적으로 지더라는. . .
4224 2016-07-12 20:38:51 0
지금 이순간 가장 무서운건... [새창]
2016/07/12 20:03:52
헐. . .
4223 2016-07-12 19:32:14 17
(펌) 난 그래서 그와 결혼했다 [새창]
2016/07/12 12:43:34
자랑게말고 결혼게에 쓰셔도 될거같은데;;; 그럼 책 한권 분량씩 10부작 기대하겠습니다~
4222 2016-07-12 18:27:37 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37

단순 화학의 관점으로 계산한거임

100%발효 가정한거고

술덕후님이 착각한건 저12.24그램을
단순편의상 ABV으로 계산해서 12%라 생각한거같음

알다시피 ABV는 부피기준
술더쿠님의 생각은 무게기준

당연히 헷갈림
4221 2016-07-12 18:15:51 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37
Potential Alcohol in Wine

It’s winemaking season, and that can mean only one thing: Fussing over the actual potential alcohol (PA) in your must. Oh, why do we need to pull our hair out on such trivial matters?

I see debates and discussions on winemaking chat and discussion forums where folks argue points about why the different versions of Brix/SG-to-PA conversion tables, and getting really frustrated over whether the must measures 25.5 Brix (B°) vs 25.0 B°.

Let me just start by saying that you should use your hydrometer as your tool to determine Brix/SG and PA and to guide your winemaking.

Make sure to properly clarify the must before taking a reading, and also make sure that the measurement is taken at the hydrometer’s calibration temperature. Then, if the Brix/SG and PA are within your desired range, you’re all set to go.

Now whether your PA is 13.4% alc/vol or 13.1% really doesn’t matter because your actual, final alcohol content can be very different from your measured PA. The final alcohol content should be measured by ebulliometry if you want to know with some accuracy what the alcohol content is; don’t assume that if you measured 13.4% PA and your wine has fermented dry that you, in fact, have 13.4%.

Let’s look at what happens during fermentation and do some calculations based on the knowledge of the rate of sugar conversion into alcohol (ethanol, or ethyl alcohol).

The chemical reaction and molecular weights of (MW) the reactants (sugar) and products (ethanol and CO2) are as shown below:

C6H12O6→ 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2

MW (glucose/fructose) = 180.16

MW (ethanol) = 46.07

MW (carbon dioxide) = 44.01

From the above equation, we see that for every mole of glucose or fructose, 2 moles each of ethanol and carbon dioxide are produced, and that approximately 180 g of glucose or fructose results in approximately 92 g of ethanol and 88 g of carbon dioxide. So, in theory, alcohol is produced at a rate of 92/180, or 51% of fermentable sugar. The density of ethanol at 20°C is 0.789 g/mL and, therefore,92 g represents a volume of 92/0.789 or 117 mL. Now let’s assume that we are starting with 1 liter (1000 mL) of solution (grape juice) and that all of the carbon dioxide dissipates into the atmosphere during and after fermentation.The density of carbon dioxide at 20°C is 1.815 g/mL, and so, we expect a volume loss of 88/1.815 or 48 mL. Therefore, the final alcohol concentration will be117/(1000–48) × 100%, or 12.3% alcohol by volume. Since a small amount of sugar, up to 5%, is actually metabolized into other by-products such aspyruvates, acetate, acetaldehyde, and glycerol, and to allow for volume contraction of wine in the presence of alcohol, the alcohol content is closer to 10.8%. Assuming that 95% of the total solids content of must is sugar, then180/.95/108, or 1.75 B° produces 1% alcohol by volume. Putting this into equation, we can estimate the amount of alcohol produced as follows.

% potential alcohol by volume = 0.57 × Brix

For example, must measuring 23.0B° would yield 0.57 × 23.0, or 13.1% alcohol if all the sugar were to metabolize.

Some have calculated that the potential alcohol is closer to 0.55 × Brix while other shave determined experimentally that the actual conversion is lower due to conversion into other by-products and ethanol evaporation, and that it is closer to the following equation.

% potential alcohol by volume = 0.55 × Brix – 0.63

Then, 23.0 B° would yield 0.55 ×23.0 – 0.63, or 12.0% alcohol if all the sugar were to metabolize. That’s more than 1% alc/vol difference from the previous calculation. But again, the results depend on your winemaking and your analysis skills and equipment.

Personally, I use this last conversion equation as it suits my winemaking best, and so I know I have to chaptalize if my must measures 23 B° and 12.0% PA and I want 13% alcohol.

So don’t fuss, because the Brix/SG/PA you calculate will be different from what you will end up with.
4220 2016-07-12 18:12:29 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37
아... (100X15X0.8)/100 = 12g 이네 과알못 ...
4219 2016-07-12 18:12:12 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37
어 1200mg이면 1.2g 인데;;; 시부엉 뭐지
4218 2016-07-12 18:01:38 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37
그런데 알콜이 증발하는거 감안해서 이런공식도 있다고 그러네 0.55 x Brix - 0.63 0.63 수치가 뭘 의미하는지는 못 찾았음.
4217 2016-07-12 18:01:30 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37
헐 다들 감사합니다
4216 2016-07-12 18:01:18 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37
12g의 알코올을 생산하려면 약 24브릭스의 원액이 필요한거네
4215 2016-07-12 18:01:11 0
(본삭금)양조학 독학중에 도저히 이해가 안돼서 질문올립니다 [새창]
2016/07/12 17:21:37
무게와 부피 기준을 통일시켜서 계산해 보자면 100ml 15%의 와인에 알코올 양은 100X15X0.8 = 1200mg이고
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