2017-09-22 12:12:37
AH-64E도 대다수가 AH-64D 개량이고 신규생산은 얼마 없음
634 AH-64Ds to be upgraded to AH-64E standard and production of 56 new-build AH-64Es to start in 2019/20.
AH-1Z도 대다수가 AH-1W 개량임
The Marine Corps planned to order 189 AH-1Zs with 58 of them being new airframes
UH-60M도 대다수가 기존 UH-60 개량형이고
CH-47F도 대다수가 기존 개량형
As of September 2013, Boeing has delivered 256 of the planned 464 CH-47F aircraft. (http://www.dote.osd.mil/pub/reports/FY2013/pdf/army/2013chinook.pdf)
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