개인차단 상태
▶◀황소고집님의 개인페이지입니다
회원가입 : 15-05-11
방문횟수 : 1826회
닉네임 변경이력
3016 2017-03-23 01:14:32 44
동물갱생센터가 되어버린듯한 우리집.. [새창]
2017/03/23 01:07:36

3015 2017-03-22 09:48:40 2
이거 안웃기면 오유접음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안웃길수가없음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [새창]
2017/03/22 07:41:40

3014 2017-03-22 09:41:58 6
소장림프종제거수술후 찡찡찡. [새창]
2017/03/22 05:11:31

3013 2017-03-22 01:59:43 36
채식냥이 [새창]
2017/03/22 01:55:53
몸 안에 축적된 털이나 불순물을 배출하는데 있어서 식이섬유가 도와주는 역할을 합니다. 그래서 보통 길야옹이들도 들풀을 뜯어 먹기도 합니다. 상추나 배추도 특별히 문제될 이유는 없을 거 같은데요.
3012 2017-03-22 00:08:14 0
처음 술을 먹은 갓성인의 소감 [새창]
2017/03/22 00:06:48
첫 술로 소맥(폭탄주)? ㅎㅎ
3011 2017-03-21 23:41:41 4
10알 7개 [새창]
2017/03/21 23:34:45

3009 2017-03-21 20:33:08 17
젖병 물 때마다 귀 '쫑긋'하는 아기 고양이.utb [새창]
2017/03/21 20:28:20

3008 2017-03-21 15:47:21 2
길고양이가 저한테 뛰어올랐어요ㅜㅜ 왜이러는거죠? [새창]
2017/03/21 15:43:51
반갑고 좋아서 다리에 부비부비 하는 거 같네요~
3007 2017-03-21 15:37:23 0
냥님 비닐 안에 들어가심 [새창]
2017/03/21 15:35:41
비닐봉지 들어서 그네 태워 주세요~
3006 2017-03-21 11:55:47 7
"혼자 공부하지 말고 같이 놀자옹~"
3005 2017-03-21 11:21:19 6
마당에 들어온 고양이 4 (산책) [새창]
2017/03/21 10:50:22
하네스 차고 산책 즐길 수 있는 야옹이라면 정말 괜찮죠. 실종(?)될 염려도 없고, 산책으로 건강도 챙길 수 있고, 집사랑에게 함께하는 즐거움도 줄 수가 있고~
3004 2017-03-20 23:03:55 1
아저씨 롯데월드 가죠? [새창]
2017/03/20 23:01:27

3003 2017-03-20 21:27:33 1
JTBC 엔딩곡 Fading Away.... 아... 이거 뭔가요? [새창]
2017/03/20 21:25:14

"Fading Away"

When I've got something to say, well, don't I always let you know?
So that you and I can go my way together.
And if I get carried away, well, I could be sailing on a song
and maybe we could carry on forever.

But lately this old dog has been chasing his tail round and round and round.
And the circles in my mind, they have been winding slowly down.
Everybody's breezing up but I'm seizing up, I'm freezing up and I'm fading away.

I've got a hold on a night in June, I've got room for you and me.
I've got moonlight up in the trees, I've got sixty-eight degrees.
I've got nothing on my mind but I've got loving in my heart,
And I've got something out in the garden I want to show you.
Well, it really doesn't matter after all if we quit this round about
and no one will really notice if we can just sit this next one out.
You can strike up the band without me, you may have your doubts about me,
But I'm just fading away.
You can hardly even see me because I'm fading away.

Well, it's hard to find a label for this feeling in my bones.
That this is all a make-believe but my cards are on the table
and there ain't nothing up my sleeve.
And here I thought I was a thinking man but I'm a shrinking man, I'm sinking man,
I'm fading, fading away.

Well, it's really not so bad to be fading away.
Come on along with me and we'll go fading away.
You can hardly even hear me because I'm fading away.
3002 2017-03-20 20:00:30 2
적응 완료! (feat 나루) [새창]
2017/03/20 17:04:24
쿠키 삭제 되서....추천이 안 되네요...ㅠㅠ
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