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가림바나님의 개인페이지입니다
회원가입 : 12-03-24
방문횟수 : 2245회
닉네임 변경이력
3539 2016-08-21 10:39:34 7/69
노약자, 임삼부, 장애인 등
자기 선택에 따라 양보를 할 수도 있고 안할 수도 있어요.

양보 받는 쪽은 고마움을,
양보 안 하는 사람은 부끄러움/ 심적 불편함을 느끼는,
그런 마음 정도는 가지는 사람들이 많아 지면 좋겠네요.

인터넷에 떠도는 많은 글과 댓글로 예전 안 좋았던 경험/감정들이 공유되고 섞이면서
몇년 사이에 경로 우대 하는 모습 보기가 더 힘들어 졌습니다.

나라도 그러지 말자는 생각을 가지는 사람이 많아졌으면 합니다.
이런 분위기 속에서, 잔잔한 호숫가에 작은 돌을 던져주는 행동... 양보를 하는 사람이 많아 졌으면 합니다
3537 2016-07-31 18:19:26 0
유튜브 영상 하단. 글쓴이 설명. 게시일: 2016. 7. 29.

I invented the Bow Blower, a combination of the bow drill and forge blower to make a device that can force air into a fire while being easy to construct from commonly occurring natural materials using only primitive technology. I began by fanning a fire with a piece of bark to increase its temperature. It is this basic principle I improved on throughout the project.
Next, I made a rotary fan from two pieces of bark that slot together at right angles to each other to form a simple 4 bladed paddle wheel about 20 cm in diameter and 5 cm tall. The blades of the fan were not angled and were designed only to throw air outwards away from the axle when spun. The rotor of the fan was made by splitting a stick two ways so it formed 4 prongs. The fan was then inserted into the prongs and the end lashed to hold it in place. Spinning the fan rotor back and forth between the palms of the hands fanned the fire. But only some of the wind generated by the fan reached the fire. The rest of it was blowing in other directions, effectively being wasted.
So I built a fan housing from unfired clay to direct the air flow into the fire. This was basically an upturned pot with a hole in the top, a spout coming out of the side. The housing was about 25 cm wide and 8 cm tall. The hole in the top and the spout were both about 6 cm in diameter so that the air coming in roughly equalled the air coming out. The base of the fan rotor sat in a wooden socket placed in the ground to make it spin easier and the top of the rotor protruded from the hole in the top of the housing.
Now when the fan spun, air entered the hole in the top of the housing and exited the spout in the side. Importantly, it doesn’t matter which way the fan spins, air always goes into the inlet and out the spout. Air is thrown out towards the walls of the housing and can only leave through the spout while the vacuum in the centre sucks new air into the housing through the inlet. A separate clay pipe called a tuyere was made to fit over the spout to direct air into the coals. This was done because the pipe that touches the fire can melt away so it’s better to make this part replaceable.
Instead of making a large wheel and belt assembly to step up the speed of rotation, I opted for a 75 cm long bow. I made a frame to hold the rotor in place consisting of two stakes hammered into the ground with a socketed cross bar lashed on to hold the top of the rotor. I made bark fibre cordage and tied the end to a stick. I then looped the cord around the rotor and held the other end in the same hand holding the stick. I then pushed and pulled the bow causing the rotor to spin rapidly, forcing air into the fire.
I made a simple mud furnace for the blower. Then I collected orange iron bacteria from the creek (iron oxide), mixed it with charcoal powder (carbon to reduce oxide to metal) and wood ash (flux to lower the melting point) and formed it into a cylindrical brick. I filled the furnace with charcoal, put the ore brick in and commenced firing. The ore brick melted and produced slag with tiny, 1mm sized specs of iron through it. My intent was not so much to make iron but to show that the furnace can reach a fairly high temperature using this blower. A taller furnace called a bloomery was generally used in ancient times to produce usable quantities of iron and consumed more charcoal, ore and labour.
This device produces a blast of air with each stroke of the bow regardless of whether it is pushed or pulled. The bow makes it possible to operate the blower without using a complicated belt and wheel assembly used in traditional forge blowers. There is a brief pause at the end of each stroke where the fan stops to rotate in the other direction, but this is effectively no different to the intermittent blast of a double acting bellows of Europe or box bellows of Asia. The materials used (wood, bark, bark fibre and clay) are readily available on most continents. No leather, valves or precisely fitted piston gaskets are required as with other types of bellows. The cords for this device wear out often so a number of back up cords should be kept handy for quick replacement. In summary, this is an easy to make device that solves the problem of supplying forced combustion air required for high temperature furnaces and forges.

Wordpress: https://primitivetechnology.wordpress...
Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=294588...
I have no face book page. Beware of fake pages.

글쓴이 댓글.
This video is basically about the forge blower rather than irons smelting (which is why I didn't put iron in the title) but I'm pretty sure those tiny specks at the end are about 1 mm sized pieces of iron metal. I've made similar but larger lumps (up to 1 cm diameter) at home from iron bacteria and they stick to a magnet and can be hammered flat. The larger pieces are slag. Slag is melted silica and iron oxide that have not been reduced to iron metal. Though this is a step in the right direction, proper iron smelting and tool making might be a while as the ore is difficult to collect in quantity. Also I'm still learning about iron smelting. The real achievement here is the blower itself, an easy to make device that can be made just about anywhere from common natural material materials (no leather, special fitting valves or gaskets needed). This allows higher temperatures to be attained in small furnaces/forges.
3536 2016-07-16 11:12:06 35
붐비는 해외기차서 '두자리' 차지한 비매너 한국여행객들 [새창]
2016/07/15 16:43:34
기사 속 이야기, 1차 출처. - 네이트판.
게시물 제목: 해외에서도 매너가 없는 한국인. 2016.07.12

더 자세한 이야기가 알고 싶어서 찾아봤습니다. (위 링크)

이런 이야기도 있네요. 긁어왔습니다.

'그런 와중에 일행중 한 사람과 눈을 마주칩니다. 계속 제가 일부로 마주쳤습니다. 20초나 흘렀을까 시선을 회피하고 잠자기 모드 시전으로 바꿉니다.'
3535 2016-06-21 22:25:47 17
서양에서의 송하나 드립 [새창]
2016/06/21 16:41:20

닉네임 옆 신고 버튼 누르면 뜨는 창.
3534 2016-06-21 22:22:44 31
서양에서의 송하나 드립 [새창]
2016/06/21 16:41:20
욕설과 반말 등의 댓글에 추천 달린 거 보니 씁쓸하네요.
3533 2016-06-21 16:50:34 15
서양에서의 송하나 드립 [새창]
2016/06/21 16:41:20
'도리토스. 마운틴듀 - 게임폐인' 이유 궁금하신 분은
아래 나무위키 링크 클릭해서 보세요.
3532 2016-05-31 16:59:16 7
코수술(비중격연골제거) 신중히 생각하세요. [새창]
2016/05/31 12:02:41
레이저로 코 안 쪽을 태우는 거,
그거 하시기 전에 좀 더 충분히 알아보고 하세요.

면역치료/알레르기물질검사와 함께 개인병원에 가면
코스처럼 저 수술을 추천 받습니다.

효과와 부작용에 대한 고려 뿐 아니라
장기적으로 쏟아야 하는 비용 등도 생각해야 합니다.
보톡스처럼 한번 한다고 끝나는게 아니거든요.

전 대학병원 상담도 받아보시는 걸 권합니다.
대학병원 상담을 통해 개인병원 의사 얘기와 비교도 해보시구요.
그리고 수술이 가능하다고 한다면, 코뼈 휜 것을 바로 잡는 걸 추천합니다.
비염이 찾아와도 코 구멍이 확보가 되어 있으면 체감 고통이 다르거든요.

비염을 치료하는 방법은 없어요
증상의 횟수, 고통을 줄이는 방법이 있을 뿐이죠.
그 여러 방법 중, 콧구멍 확보와 알레르기약 만한게 없는 거 같아요.
물론 알레르기 발생 물질을 최대한 제거/피하기를 해주면 더 좋구요.
3531 2016-05-13 18:13:07 0
어떻게 보게 되신지 모르겠지만
영화가 아닐 수도 있나요?
환상특급 같은 일본이나 미국 드라마도 고려해 보셨으면 합니다.
3530 2016-04-15 23:08:27 1
이번 파파이스 여론조사분석 역대급 [새창]
2016/04/15 21:09:36
김어준의 파파이스' - 94화 : '4.13 그리고 정청래, 박주민'
- 2016. 4. 15 업로드 (선거일<13일> 저녁 녹화)
팟빵 http://www.podbbang.com/ch/7339
유튜브 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqZOn8yBqts
3529 2016-04-15 21:56:51 9
'추천 버튼'을 '대나무' 배경으로 하면 재밌겠네요.
3527 2016-04-03 10:44:10 0
김해을 후보 김경수 후보님 만났습니다 [새창]
2016/04/03 09:54:26
댓글로 올리면 됩니다.
3525 2016-03-23 15:54:54 0
오늘자(3월 22일) 기준 커뮤니티 베스트글 Top 50 [새창]
2016/03/22 17:18:46
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