2018-09-27 18:00:08
의학적 지식은 없지만 구글링 해보니 보통 Bufotoxin으로 통칭되는 두꺼비독에 맞춤 해독제가 있는 것 같진 않고... 중독이 심각해 심정지 등 심장에 장애가 생겼을 때 강심제나 디고신 중독 관련 해독제를 처방하는 것 같습니다
아래 관련 글 복붙합니다
Mouthing of the toad by the dog releases toxin into the dog's mouth and contact with mucous membranes, leading to systemic absorption. Poisoned dogs develop excess salivation, anxiety, and vomiting almost immediately, and death can occur within 15 minutes after exposure. Treatment involves decontamination of the oral cavity through irrigation with water and forced emesis if a toad has been swallowed. Endoscopic or surgical removal of the toad may be necessary. If cardiac complications develop in a dog, the use of digoxin-specific Fab fragment should be weighed against its high cost. Bradycardia can be treated with atropine (0.04 mg/kg IM, SC).