개인차단 상태
熊のプーさん님의 개인페이지입니다
회원가입 : 15-07-06
방문횟수 : 1041회
닉네임 변경이력
1066 2018-04-30 23:37:28 1
선거철만 다가오면 [새창]
2018/04/30 22:17:11
썩은 부분, 이재명을 뽑아버리자고 하는 건데요.
1065 2018-04-30 08:36:16 2
macintosh plus - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー [새창]
2018/04/29 22:05:40

1064 2018-04-30 00:23:50 4
징병제 얘기만 봐도 이 나라 국민 수준이 보이네요. [새창]
2018/04/29 23:47:55

글에서 수준이 보인다.
1063 2018-04-30 00:18:29 26
이딸딸의 300백만 스피커 어디갔습니꽈? [새창]
2018/04/30 00:15:09
일부러 팟빵 순위에 몰아주려고 아이튠즈 팟캐에도 늦게 올리던데...3-400만 스피커로 힘드나?
1062 2018-04-30 00:15:35 10
정상회담 티셔츠 [새창]
2018/04/30 00:02:45

하필 골라도 오바마 포스터 테마로 하다니....
1061 2018-04-29 13:13:08 7
이동형 "나는 친문 쉴드치다 종편에서 짤렸던 사람이다" [새창]
2018/04/29 12:46:50
아... 작성자님한테 한 얘기인데.
1060 2018-04-29 13:06:26 8
이동형 "나는 친문 쉴드치다 종편에서 짤렸던 사람이다" [새창]
2018/04/29 12:46:50

“니들이 아무리 인터넷상에서 몰려다니며 죽창질해봤자 현실은 찻잔속의 태풍이다.”

여기저기 몰려다니면서 죽창질 하지마시고 이동형 말 좀 들으세요.
1059 2018-04-29 02:59:08 11
절대 민주당을 갈라치기하는것에 현혹되지 마십시오 [새창]
2018/04/29 02:43:57
톤이스탁흐님 너무 훅 들어오셔서 드립 실패 ㅋㅋㅋ
1058 2018-04-29 02:52:33 11
절대 민주당을 갈라치기하는것에 현혹되지 마십시오 [새창]
2018/04/29 02:43:57
호남분이 일베 가입한 건 차치하고라도 혜경궁김씨와 희희낙락했던 이재명을 어떻게 지지할 수 있나요?

그리고 이정현도 호남 출신이죠.

호남이라는 타이틀로 다른 호남분들까지 끌어들이지 마세요.
1057 2018-04-29 00:31:28 2
Jesus Jones - Right Here, Right Now [새창]
2018/04/27 13:51:35

1056 2018-04-29 00:29:32 2
Owen Pallett - In Conflict [새창]
2018/04/27 03:27:10
아시니까 공감 꾸욱~
1055 2018-04-29 00:28:43 2
Perfume Genius - Slip Away [새창]
2018/04/27 03:26:03

1054 2018-04-29 00:26:31 2
Patrick Wolf - The Falcons [새창]
2018/04/27 03:25:02

아재개그 자주하면 잡혀가요. ㅎㅎ
1053 2018-04-29 00:24:28 2
Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama [새창]
2018/04/27 03:23:32
1 of 3
2 of 3
When you grow up, livin' like a good boy oughta
And your mama, takes a shine to her best son
Something different, all the girls they seem to like you
Cause you're handsome, like to talk and a whole lot of fun
But now your girl's gone a missin'
And your house has got an empty bed
The folks'll wonder 'bout the wedding
They won't listen to a word you said
Gonna take your mama out all night
Yeah we'll show her what it's all about
We'll get her jacked up on some cheap champagne
We'll let the good times all roll out
And if the music ain't good, well it's just too bad
We're gonna sing along no matter what
Because the dancers don't mind at the New Orleans
If you tip 'em and they make a cut
Do it
Take your mama out all night
So she'll have no doubt that we're doing oh the best we can
We're gonna do it
Take your mama out all night
You can stay up late 'cause baby you're a full grown man
It's a struggle, livin' like a good boy oughta
In the summer, watchin' all the girls pass by
When your mama, heard the way that you'd been talking
I tried to tell you, that all she'd want to do is cry
Now we end up takin' the long way home
Lookin' overdressed wearin' buckets of stale cologne
It's so hard to see streets on a country road
When your glasses in the garbage
And your Continental's just got towed
Songwriters: Jason Sellards / Scott Hoffman
Take Your Mama lyrics © Spirit Music Group, Global Talent Publishing
1052 2018-04-29 00:23:49 2
Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama [새창]
2018/04/27 03:23:32
어머니 데리고 외출 좀 하시라고 그러네요.
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