개인차단 상태
작은돼지님의 개인페이지입니다
회원가입 : 11-07-27
방문횟수 : 4164회
닉네임 변경이력
12728 2016-12-13 11:44:47 0
블리자드 직원의 하루 [새창]
2016/12/12 14:15:34
록타오가르! 승리가 아니면 죽음을!!
12727 2016-12-13 11:00:49 1
우회하라 병우 [새창]
2016/12/13 08:39:46
AVOP-069 // 푸르딩딩되어라! 얍!!
12726 2016-12-13 10:57:21 11
차량 엄폐 사격술 [새창]
2016/12/13 10:29:16
실전에서 저쯤되면 차량반대편은 이미 벌집이 되어 있지 않을까요? ㅋㅋ
12725 2016-12-12 21:48:24 4
블리자드 직원의 하루 [새창]
2016/12/12 14:15:34
블리자드 커리어 페이지에서 가져온 내용 입니다.... 아무거나 클릭하고 확인했는데, 3D character artist 분야 입니다.

•Create concept art for characters, armor sets, creatures, weapons, and other assets.
•3D model characters, armor sets, creatures, weapons, and other assets.
•Texture characters, armor sets, creatures, weapons, and other assets.
•Create assets that fit within the World of Warcraft style.
•Enthusiasm for working closely with other Artists.
•Communicate with production, art management, and other departments.

•A minimum of 2 years’ experience in game development concept, modeling, and texturing of characters using 3DS Max, 3D Coat, and Photoshop (or equivalent 3D and 2D programs)
•Able to create original concept artwork that explores a wide variety of ideas
•An exceptional understanding of anatomy
•A good understanding of form, shape, structure, and silhouette in regard to modeling
•Superior eye for light, shade, color, and detail in creating hand painted texture maps
•Self-motivation, good communications skills, and a great team-player attitude
•Understanding of the distinctive Blizzard Entertainment visual style and a passion to push it to the next level

•Extensively played WoW
•Extensive leadership experience
•Expert understanding of 3DS Max or Maya

Portfolio Requirements
•Only digital applications will be accepted such as a website, blog or online album. Physical media will not be accepted
•An art test might be required if the work presented doesn’t adequately demonstrate a similar style to Wow

Required Application Materials
•Cover Letter which should include:
◦Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
◦What games you are currently playing
12724 2016-12-12 18:44:06 1
흔한 코스프레 [새창]
2016/12/12 16:23:17
12723 2016-12-12 18:32:22 1
클로저스 애니메이션이 갓애니인 EU.gif [새창]
2016/12/12 18:27:14
12722 2016-12-12 11:24:23 26
끼부리는 도마뱀ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [새창]
2016/12/12 11:06:59
도마뱀이 눈이 건조하고 먼지 껴서 청소하는건데 끼부린다고 착각하는 오징어님의 글 입니다.
12721 2016-12-12 11:20:05 6
조별과제 메르시 [새창]
2016/12/12 00:58:40
12720 2016-12-12 11:19:12 1
조별과제 메르시 [새창]
2016/12/12 00:58:40
투자자에 대한 조기 교육?!!
12719 2016-12-12 06:13:45 5
펌)현재 우갑우상황 [새창]
2016/12/12 03:14:42
어... 왜... 왜때문에 익숙하지... 음.. .크흠...
12718 2016-12-12 02:20:01 11
조별과제 메르시 [새창]
2016/12/12 00:58:40
팀의 야식을 책임지는 메르시
12717 2016-12-11 22:16:41 0
중고노트북 25만원 짜리두 괜찮나요? [새창]
2016/12/11 20:37:56
12716 2016-12-11 18:15:45 34
은행 ATM 쓰레기통이 멘붕... [새창]
2016/12/08 02:09:07
당신은 천사 입니까?
12715 2016-12-11 18:15:33 2
은행 ATM 쓰레기통이 멘붕... [새창]
2016/12/08 02:09:07
atm이면 접근이 용이하니 지나가다 쓱 버리고 가는거죠.
12714 2016-12-11 18:11:55 0
왕새우칩 [새창]
2016/12/11 17:56:24
새우 한마리 씻은 물로 만들었다는 그 왕새우칩.
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