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  • 게시물ID : pony_92857
    작성자 : B.H
    추천 : 5
    조회수 : 411
    IP : 118.44.***.152
    댓글 : 2개
    등록시간 : 2017/06/09 20:40:00
    http://todayhumor.com/?pony_92857 모바일
    이퀘스트리아 트롯 Top 100 - 풀 차트 : 17.06.03 기준

    [외국 사이트에선 브로니 음악 중 가장 인기 있는 음악을 고르는 이벤트가 많은가 보군요.]
    [그래서 외국 사이트의 차트를 가져왔습니다. 음악과 함께 들어보세요.]

    Song Artist Pos PK LW WO
    On Hold Wasteland Wailers' Brittany Church 1 1 3 3
    Run Away Spiral Harmonies feat. EileMonty 2 1 1 11
    Best Friends (Until the End of Time) (Remix) Aurelleah 3 2 2 4
    Best Friends Until the End of Time (Remix) JoinedTheHerd 4 2 4 5
    Fight This War PrinceWhateverer feat. DivinumX 5 3 5 5
    Midnight Frenzy Spiral Harmonies feat. PK Emi 6 1 6 15
    Pinkie's Brew (2017) Lenich & Kirya 7 7 11 3
    Awoken WoodenToaster & H8_Seed feat. PurpleRosalyn 8 8 9 13
    Tempora's Requiem Jyc Row feat. Decibelle 9 3 8 8
    Shards of Darkness Exiark & NekoWolf 10 10 1
    My Monstrosity The L-Train feat. 4everfreebrony 11 11 21 5
    Harmony Notion 12 10 10 3
    Breathing Space DJT & Rusyd Rosman 13 5 13 9
    Luna's Future (Orchestral) (2017) Jyc Row 14 10 14 5
    Loyalty Notion 15 4 16 5
    Three's a Team (2017) 4everfreebrony 16 7 15 7
    Recall the Time of No Return Jyc Row 17 14 18 5
    From the Ashes Aurelleah 18 3 12 13
    Laughter Notion 19 6 28 3
    Generosity Notion 20 10 23 3
    The Final Showdown Jyc Row 21 21 1
    Ballad of Princess Platinum Pony Band 22 7 7 5
    Magic Notion 23 7 19 4
    Wonderbolt Austin Hull feat. EileMonty 24 3 17 7
    Battlegrounds StealingShad3Z 25 25 27 5
    Frailty (2016) PrinceWhateverer feat. MilkyMomo 26 4 20 37
    The Fight Inside (2016) PrinceWhateverer feat. NRGPony 27 3 24 30
    Tanks for the Memories Silver Note 28 28 3
    Chaos Kadenza & Zero 29 3 22 18
    Kindness Notion 30 7 25 5
    Life Still Left in Me Exiark & Chi-Chi 31 9 31 36
    Blossom Bluu feat. JoinedTheHerd 32 32 1
    Honesty Notion 33 11 26 4
    Orphan of Tragedy Reverbrony 34 34 1
    So Long Francis Vace feat. 4everfreebrony 35 35 52 4
    Lonely Breeze Radiarc 36 24 50 5
    The Midnight in Me (Remix) Notion 37 1 43 33
    Defect Hay Tea 38 22 44 17
    Clear Skies UndreamedPanic 39 16 42 36
    Cold Feet (Pt. 2) Francis Vace 40 23 37 8
    The Spectacle (Remix) StrachAttack 41 18 34 41
    What More Can I Say Flittzy 42 26 40 11
    Waking Up Metajoker 43 14 45 7
    Between Fairy Tales and Happy Endings (2016) PrinceWhateverer feat. Kaspuuh & Senya 44 2 35 13
    Out of Your Mind Vylet Pony feat. Lyde 45 7 47 13
    First Flight KC.Guzman feat. Megaphoric 46 1 36 34
    Unknown Paths Nicolas Dominique 47 47 1
    Shy Heart Ponyphonic 48 1 39 26
    My Only Friends 4everfreebrony 49 5 48 22
    Luna's Future (Remix) Spectra 50 8 49 50
    A Changeling Can Change (Remix) JoinedTheHerd 51 7 54 19
    Stars & Sky Progressive Element v.s. UndreamedPanic 52 2 57 19
    Rainbow Factory Yoka the Changeling feat. Ray Scratch & MikeDub 53 29 59 13
    Lazy Sunday GhostXb 54 32 53 7
    Best Friends Until the End of Time (Remix) OhPonyBoy 55 9 30 4
    Just a Game 4everfreebrony feat. Chi-Chi 56 4 33 14
    Out on My Own (CathartiMix) Foozogz 57 2 51 16
    Little Feather Velvet R. Wings & SDreamExplorerS 58 32 32 3
    Party at Puddinghead's Elias Frost 59 49 63 9
    Best Friends Until the End of Time (Piano) Matías Peñaloza 60 60 80 3
    Night Breeze GhostXb 61 61 1
    Best Friends Until the End of Time (Remix) 174UDSI 62 20 65 3
    Beyond Her Garden Aurelleah feat. Glaze 63 9 46 6
    Free to Fly ertrii 64 64 1
    helping twilight win the crown Strigidae 65 65 78 2
    Friendship is Epic (Main Theme) Jyc Row 66 9 92 15
    Shinonome eksoka 67 67 1
    The Hour of Twilight Zephysonas 68 13 56 12
    Paris By Night Neon Lights 69 69 1
    A Wandering Soul Blue Note 70 70 1
    Empire Past Bank Pain 71 8 79 19
    Hooves of Titanium, Built to Dance Viricide Filly feat. Wissshhh 72 72 1
    I Destroyed, I Created Segments of Life 73 73 1
    Turn Into You Lectro Dub 74 64 64 3
    Building (a New Sun) John Doe 75 75 1
    The Ancient Elements Jyc Row 76 23 82 12
    A Comforting Thought GhostXb 77 71 73 3
    Sugar Shy DJT & ExplodingPonyToast 78 4 86 19
    When the Winter Ends Almost Anyone & FritzyBeat 79 13 81 19
    Just Me Vocal Score & Scarlet Harmony 80 8 67 15
    Dusk Totalspark 81 81 1
    Mustache Ride StrachAttack 82 3 89 17
    The Spotlight Flittzy & Fluffalo 83 52 69 3
    The Spectacle (Remix) Silva Hound 84 15 16
    You and Me Foozogz 85 3 95 17
    Gentle Days Ponytronic 86 86 1
    Antagonist Sky Runner 87 6 75 8
    Et Les Etoiles Chantent OhPonyBoy 88 5 97 15
    Bang Out Vylet Pony & Silva Hound 89 7 91 15
    Just Another Day in Ponyville (2017) 4everfreebrony 90 7 11
    Falter Crystal Slave v.s. IKX 91 91 1
    Maniacal CHANG31ING feat. R3CTIFIER 92 29 29 2
    State ertrii 93 72 72 2
    My Loyalty ertrii 94 66 66 2
    Luna's Future (Remix) PhonicBoom 95 62 62 2
    Polychromatic FritzyBeat 96 37 9
    The Magic of Nature Frozen Night 97 44 77 3
    Stars Silver Note 98 11 83 13
    Corrosion Creeps Reverbrony 99 41 2
    Dark Side Skelter 100 100 1

     TOP 50은 다음과 같습니다.

    Midnight Frenzy Spiral Harmonies feat. PK Emi 1
    Run Away Spiral Harmonies feat. EileMonty 2
    Luna's Future (Snowfall Frost) (Remix) Aurelleah 3
    Trust in Me, Child WeimTime feat. REV 4
    Shy Heart Ponyphonic 5
    Hoping 4everfreebrony feat. Giggly Maria & Relative|Pitch 6
    First Flight KC.Guzman feat. Megaphoric 7
    Say Goodbye to the Holiday (Remix) microThunder 8
    Luna's Determination MelodicPony 9
    Egomania Silva Hound feat. BLACKGRYPH0N 10
    From the Ashes Aurelleah 11
    Fall of an Empire The L-Train & Royal Canterlot Symphonic Metal Orchestra 12
    The Midnight in Me (Remix) Notion 13
    Celestial Berserkers Jyc Row & Francis Vace feat. IbeConCept 14
    Come Alive Silva Hound feat. Eurobeat Brony 15
    Frailty (2016) PrinceWhateverer feat. MilkyMomo 16
    Smell the Roses 4everfreebrony 17
    Life Still Left in Me Exiark & Chi-Chi 18
    Midnight Lament Aurelleah feat. ButterflyIdentity & Decibelle 19
    Let's Blob Again OhPonyBoy 20
    Our Sweet Little Flurry (Flurry Heart's Lullaby) Kevin MacLeod feat. Magpiepony & WildCardVA 21
    Chaos Kadenza & Zero 22
    Luna's Future (Remix) Spectra 23
    Bound With Time 4everfreebrony v.s. Synthis 24
    The Fight Inside (2016) PrinceWhateverer feat. NRGPony 25
    It's Gonna Work (Remix) JoinedTheHerd 26
    I'll Keep Trying Jay Man feat. Magpiepony 27
    My Only Friends 4everfreebrony 28
    The Spectacle (Remix) StrachAttack 29
    Back to You Luna Jax feat. 4everfreebrony 30
    Best Friends Until the End of Time (Remix) JoinedTheHerd 31
    You and Me Foozogz 32
    Tempora's Requiem Jyc Row feat. Decibelle 33
    Clear Skies UndreamedPanic 34
    Between Fairy Tales and Happy Endings (2017) PrinceWhateverer feat. Kaspuuh & Senya 35
    Fight This War PrinceWhateverer feat. DivinumX 36
    Just a Game 4everfreebrony feat. Chi-Chi 37
    Peppermint DJT feat. Puffy 38
    Sun and Moon 4everfreebrony feat. FritzyBeat 39
    Awoken GhostXb feat. PurpleRosalyn 40
    A Changeling Can Change (Remix) JoinedTheHerd 41
    Crash to Pieces Synthis 42
    Out on My Own (CathartiMix) Foozogz 43
    Away From Me PrinceWhateverer feat. NRGPony 44
    Together L.M. 45
    Best Friends (Until the End of Time) (Remix) Aurelleah 46
    On Hold Wasteland Wailers' Brittany Church 47
    You Are Wonderful OhPonyBoy 48
    Route 666 PON3 49
    Derby Racers (HYPERDRIVE MiX) Foozogz 50
    B.H의 꼬릿말입니다
    스팀 : http://steamcommunity.com/id/BlackHeartstrings
    블로그 : http://blog.naver.com/ssd8728899

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    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2017/06/09 20:51:14  58.120.***.227  Techpriest  561073
    [2] 2017/06/09 23:09:37  218.39.***.59  포니홉스  713914
    [3] 2017/06/10 00:10:17  223.62.***.130  Loverror  535350
    [4] 2017/06/10 01:45:04  113.200.***.24  디벨리아  561661
    [5] 2017/06/10 15:26:13  125.177.***.27  worthyapple  579475
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    번호 제 목 이름 날짜 조회 추천
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    단축키 운영진에게 바란다(삭제요청/제안) 운영게 게시판신청 자료창고 보류 개인정보취급방침 청소년보호정책 모바일홈