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오늘 저녁에 제출할건데 문법부터 틀린점 지적좀 해주세요
TO. Department of Human Resources
I was born on september 24, 1985, in Busan, which is the second biggest city in Korea.
Construction equipment repair, was living with my parents and the lease-ups grew up fine without hardest.
when elementary students mother give me comic book. is grow up to me. comic drawing was for junior high school have as comic as ,it climbs gradually to the art and wanted to work.
So I go to high school with a design dept that was to be admitted to the “Dong seo university” design dept
Even more, the design of other disciplines in the University wants to major in multimedia design in mind as computer graphics and Visual design by studying in the field.
My personality is always cheerful and positive ones. Organizations that participate in the project and participate in various events and to know well.
Believe and rely on to someone who can do everything well and the cooperation is always think positively. Downside is that people make when they see people older than the easily accessible because often the passive review, but any person any time Iran trust relationship is not easily abandon the relationship.
College coffee shop, fast food, construction, pccafe, pub, hotel, etc. is a part-time work experience.
After graduation, College of design Research Center at 6 months internship.
School and commissioned in the design business, and job support.
The following year, the United States, "beauty plus inc's design department internship. support the United States in New Jersey, New York. flying back and forth, for one year. Design Department posters, banner ads, advertising design, brochure, and filmed in a Studio model, the company periodically to the support. Also helping sales and General Affairs Department places less than one year intern life.
Live life with no regret life — once nicely, it is what I wanted to do as my life has always been a way of life based on a variety of different experiences and thoughts.
National Collegiate football player after entering the University and had a confrontation,
Summer vacation when sorokdo island outreach section suffers from leprosy sorokdo as residents clean and food delivery to residential environment improvement work.
I am interested in social issues and participate in the National Collegiate debate due to the number of students across the country and social issues was a heated discussion.
starting school vacation period to People's Republic of China Shanghai.
and Eastern United States and Fukuoka from Japan travel and intern several cities travel and world of thought and culture in particular,
our appearance therein, and have a global mindset.
As always I'm a responsible stance that is given to have an unconditional commitment. What does whatever it takes to get yourself an enterprising spirit, undaunted. There are a wide variety of people and moved off, but solely on the basis of whatever held things up from a range of social civilization and looked at by accident thinking like elicit. No matter what you do it will be a nice Temple more always promises to be a trying one.
Thank you.
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