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All of us at the Overmare Studios apologise for the delay, it seemed like the constant setbacks on the website was going to prevent us from ever posting this blog post, but thanks to our website designer, Airplay, we are proud to present to you the post.
Overmare 스튜디오의 모든 팀들이 시간이 연기된 것에 사과합니다. 웹사이트에 문제가 있어서 Post들을 올리지 못하고 있었어요. 하지만, 다행히도 우리 팀의 왭사이트 디자이너 Airplay가 문제를 해결했고, 다시 홈페이지에 Post를 쓸 수 있게 되었죠.
To start off with style, we are proud to present the main theme for our Fallout: Equestria game!
답변을 시작하는 의미에서 풀아웃 에퀘스트리아 메인 테마를 공개합니다!
First up is BronyExpo with panelists Airplay (Programming Lead) and Yondy (Sound Director). While the convention was relatively small, that did not stop the panel from covering a wide range of topics. Including a sneak peek of another one of the songs featured in the game, the voice of Velvet Remedy, as well as a bunch of questions from attendees.
BronyExpo에서 Airplay (Programming Lead) 와 Youndy (2차 감독) 참여했었고, 규모는 작았지만 우린 많은 질문을 받았습니다. 새로 작곡 될 풀아웃 에퀘스트리아의 사운드 트렉을 물론, 벨벳 레미디의 목소리와, 참가자들로부터 잡다한 질문을 받았죠.
On Sunday, it was time for our Crystal Fair panel with Dragmaister (Project Director), Hamish (Project Director & Programming Lead), Nahka (3D & QA Lead) and AdamJ (Music Lead). Even though this was the first major convention in Finland, it gathered considerable amount of attendees and our panel got an audience of around 200! Thanks everyone!
일요일에는 Crystal Fair에서 Dragmaister (프로젝트 감독), Hamish (프로젝트 감독/ Programming Lead), Nahka (3D & QA Lead) 그리고 AdamJ (음악 Lead) 등의 맴버가 참여했습니다. 크리스탈 페어는 핀란드에서 열린 첫번째 메이저 컨벤션이었지만 우린 200명이나 되는 질의자들을 모을 수 있었죠.The majority of the panel consisted of the Q&A session with many, many questions from the attendees, the highlight of the panel was a short gameplay video. Unfortunately, pretty much everything critical broke down just days before the panel, and despite the team pulling all nighters to fix everything, the video was left extremely unpolished and ended up missing a bunch of the planned content. This is also the reason why the BronyExpo panel was missing the video completely.
패널의 대부분은 질의자들의 응답에 대답하는데 시간을 썼고, 하이라이트로 게임의 플레이의 일부를 공개했습니다. 하지만 밤새는 박쥐 포니들을-부엉이형 사람의 브로니적 표현- 대량 동원 했음에도 많은 부분에 오류와 사라진 데이터들이 있었죠. 그게 BronyExpo에서 완전한 비디오가 공개되지 않은 이유입니다.But despite all this, the panels were a success, and we couldn’t have asked for a better audience! We will also be uploading a more polished version of the video on our Youtube channel later, hopefully in our next blog post, so stay posted for that! If you missed the Crystal Fair, we recorded that as well.
하지만 그런 장애물에도 불과하고, 패널 이벤트는 성공했고, 우리는 질의자들로 부터 최고의 대답을 받았죠. 우린 완성된 버전의 초기 플래이 동영상을 올린 예정입니다-[역주] 현제는 이미 올려진 상태- 그러니까 다음 포스트를 주목해 주세요. 아마도 Crystal Fair에서 놓쳤던 게임 플레이 장면들을 다시 볼 수 있을 거에요.
During both conventions we where asked many questions ranging from our motivations for the project, to what kind of spells the game will have. So, for you convenience, we have gathered a list of some of the questions we were asked during both cons.
두 컨벤션을 치르는 동안 우리는 많은 질문을 받았죠, 우리의 목표나 의도에 관해서요. 게임은 어떤 형식이 될건지 말이에요. 간편하게 설명하기 위해 두 컨벤션에서 질문 받았던 내용을 올립니다.
Q: Are you guys afraid of getting a C&D
Q : 해스브로의 저작권 문제가 걸리지 않나요?
A: No. We’ve been preparing for such a scenario from day one of this project. Legally speaking, we are just fine. If you want more details, we did a video on this.
A : 아니요. 우린 적당히 저작권 문제가 생기지 않을 시나리오를 프로젝트 첫 날부터 만들었고, 법적으로 말하자면 괜찮아요. 스토리에 대해서 더 알아보고 싶으면 위의 링크를 클릭하세요.
Q: Are you guys afraid of a spontaneous team failure?
Q : 프로젝트가 실패할까 걱정되나요?
A: Not in particular. We recognise the risk of it and we do our best to make sure everyone in the team is enjoying what they are doing to minimize the risk.
A : 아니요. 우린 리스크를 감수하고 있고 모든 팀원들이 리스크를 최소화 하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 더불어 작업은 즐거워요.
Q: How long have you guys been working on the project?
A: The team has officially been working on the project for a little over a year now.
Q: 얼마나 오랬동안 프로젝트를 진행한 거죠?Q: Do you guys have any plans after you finish the project?
A: Of course, most of the team members that have joined us, including the TLs, have plans for after the project. However, that does not mean that we will be any less enthusiastic about this project.
Q : 이 프로젝트 다음에 계획이 있나요?Q: Do you have any use for 2D animators?
A: Not at the moment.
Q : 2D 에니메이터가 있나요?Q: What kind of software requirements do you have for modelers and texture artists?
A: As long as you are able to export the models in the .FBX format and the textures in .TGA format, you are free to use any software you feel the most comfortable with. For animations, we are also able to convert SFM skeletal animations.
Q : 어떤 소프트웨어를 모딩과 텍스쳐에 사용하나요?Q: Are the deaths in the story going to be fixed or will there be ways to keep side characters or companions alive?
A: The game will allow the player to make choices that Littlepip in the story never did, which means that some characters that were supposed to die will have a chance to live and vise versa.
Q : 동료의 죽음이 게임을 바꾸거나 동료가 부활하나요?Q: Are you going to have anything from other side stories in the game?
A: There may be a few references or other things from side stories, however they will most likely be very small or completely unrelated to the side story it is from.
Q : 사이드 스토리가 게임에 포함 되나요?Q: Will there be any other large storylines as the main quest?
A: No, but there will be plenty of side quests and shorter storylines.
Q : 큰 소토리 라인이 한 줄기를 이루나요?Q: Will you be able to have a beard?
A: Most likely.
Q : 수염 아이템 장책 가능한가요?Q: Will you be able to customize your cutie mark or name?
A: Unfortunately, no.
Q : 케릭터의 큐막이나 이름을 바꿀 수 있나요?Q: So if the player is Littlepip, will there be any character customisation?
A: Yes, only the name, cutiemark and race are fixed, the rest is up to the player to decide.
Q : 그래서 플레이어가 리틀핍만 플레이 한다면 다른 케릭터들을 커스터마이징이 가능한가요?Q: In the demo the PipBuck was on the left hoof, even though in the story Littlepip wears it on the right hoof?
A: Yes, despite Littlepip wearing it on the right hoof, allowing that would require us to make a separate version for each of the armor/apparel models in order to account for the free space a PipBuck requires. Due to this, the player will be wearing the PipBuck on the left hoof.
Q : 데모에서는 핍벅이 왼쪽 발굽에 있는데 원작에서는 오른쪽 발굽에 있지 않나요?Q: Are you guys working on Homage?
A: We have cast Nowacking as the voice actress for Homage. More dialogue is in the works.
Q : 게임 크레딧이 존재하나요?Q: Are there going to be squad commands?
A: Yes, bad squad management mechanic was an issue that plagued Fallout 3/New Vegas. Sure, you could put the fanciest hat on them and parade through the wastes, but once combat started they would simply charge in guns ablaze. We plan on giving much more control over companions to the player both in and out of combat.
Q : 부대 지정 전투가 가능한가요?Q: Is there going to be dynamic or complex character development?
A: Yes, we currently plan on having it so characters personalities will change depending on your choices, and how you interact with certain characters.
Q : 특별한 케릭터 설정이 있나요?Q: Will characters react to situations similar to the way they did in the story, for example if you tell Velvet Remedy to kill someone she will complain?
A: As said above, characters will change depending on your choices. In the case of Velvet Remedy, it is possible that through following you that she becomes more cold and calculating, however it is also possible to develop her to be the same character as in the story.
Q : 케릭터들은 원작과 같은 행동을 하나요? 예를 들어 벨벳 레미디가 누군가를 죽인 모습을 보면 불평한다든지요.Q: Are you going to have a Hardcore mode?
A: Yes, hardcore has been one of the many things that Design team has been very excited to work on. Like in New Vegas, hardcore will incorporate the usual food, thirst, and sleep mechanics, however we plan on adding a few new mechanics, such as diseases.
Q : 하드코어 모드가 있나요?Q: Will there be augmentations?
A: Yes, the game will most likely have augmentations. However, the details are pending.
Q : 무기 개조가 가능한가요?Q: Will you be able to use a smartphone, PS Vita or such as an alternative way to access the PipBuck?
A: No, the game is mainly being developed for PC, Mac, and Linux. Adding alternative platforms for optional support like that would require a lot of effort.
Q : 스마트 폰이나, PS Vita or 다른 방법을 통해 PipBuck을 확인할 수 있나요?Q: Will the Alicorns become more difficult as you fight them?
A: Unfortunately, no. Such an AI would be far too advanced to design/create with our resources. We are going to try and make as adaptable of an AI as we can, but it may not be story accurate.
Q : 알리콘 몹은 싸우기 어려운 상대인가요?Q: Will there be any kind of level scaling?
A: Yes, we will aim to make it so that even simple raiders poses a threat if you let your guard down, even in the end game.
Q : 레벨 시스템이 있나요?Q: Will the enemy types scale with the level, so on lower levels only weaker enemy types will be spawned, or will they be tied to specific locations?
A: Both.
Q : 난이도에 따라서 적 숫자나, 리스폰 그리고 약한적이 등장하게 되나요?Q: Will there be different difficulty levels, and if so what will they affect?
A: Yes, however we are still too early in development to know exactly what they will change.
Q : 게임에 영향을 미치는 난이도 시스템이 있나요?Q: Will difficulty levels affect the enemy AI?
A: No, not currently.
Q : AI 난이도 레벨이 있나요?Q: Will combat have any sort of variety?
A: Most definitely, design team has been working with programming in order to offer a very complex AI. As well as working to make sure that almost all weapons and spells in the game are unique and allow for different play styles.
Q : 전투 상황이 다양한가요?Q: How will the weapons be balanced? Will they still be usable towards the end-game?
A: We are doing our best to balance all the weapons so that no matter which one you have, with some effort, you will still be able to survive with it even in the end-game.
Q : 무기 벨런스는 어떤까요? 마지막에는 못쓰는 무기가 생기나요?Q: When playing in first person, will the character still cast a shadow and will you be able to see your own body?
A: Yes, the player model is no different from the rest, so you can see your body and shadows.
Q : 1인칭으로 플레이 할 때 케릭터의 그림자나 몸의 일부를 볼 수 있나요?Q: Will there be some weapons you can only use with battle-saddles, some you can only use with telekinesis, etc.?
A: The player will only be able to hold weapons with telekinesis. However, various NPCs will use battle-saddles for larger weapons and mouth-held for smaller ones. This is to prevent awkward and impractical animations from ruining the experience.
Q : 오직 염력이자 등자 가방에 실어놓는 형태로 운영되는 무기들이 있나요?Q: Does the above mean you won’t be able to wield large weapons like miniguns, missile launchers etc.?
A: You will still be able to wield all heavy weapons.
Q : 위의 질문 대로라면 대형 무기인 미니건이나 미사일을 등자 없이는 사용 불가능 한가요?Q: Will there be any kind of multiplayer?
A: No, sorry. We are focusing on the single player experience.
Q : 멀티 플레이어는 있나요?Q: How are you going to handle Memory Orbs?
A: Currently, memory orbs are still being designed. However, we are planning on having them as pre-rendered scripted gameplay videos.
Q : 과거 기록 오브젝트들을 어떻게 다룰건가요?Q: How complex is your dismemberment?
A: We have not worked on the combat aspects of gameplay enough to give any definite answer.
Q : 부위 조준 사격은 얼마나 복잡한가요?Q: How extensive is your armor customisation.
A: Characters will be able to wear multiple varying apparel pieces, such as: body, head, facial, etc. However, at this time, you are not able to, for example, change the color of your armor.
Q : 방어구를 커스터마이징 할 수 있나요?Q: What are the game’s RPG elements going to be like, are you using Fallout’s or are you making your own?
A: The RPG elements will remain fairly consistent to Fallout 3/New Vegas, however changes are going to be made to expand on those systems in order to make our game a unique experience.
Q : 직접 개발하시는 RPG 요소가 있나요?Q: In the story, there were perks that were gained through story progression, are those still going to be in the game?
A: Most likely yes, and we will try to keep them as consistent to the story as we can while also offering a fun and interesting experience.
Q : 원작 스토리의 퍽들이 게임을 진행하면서 등장하나요?Q: Will there be any time limits on quests?
A: No. Time limits are not a bad idea if the game is designed around them, like Majora's Mask, Dead Rising, etc. However, with a world like Fallout: Equestria, a time limit would just get in the way.
Q : 퀘스트에는 시간 제한이 있나요?Q: Do you have any plans for some kind of visual aspect for what you’re wearing, for example, a power armor in first person (aka Project Nevada)?
A: Currently, there have been no real plans for that, but who knows, maybe in the future.
Q : 케릭터의 옷에 개인 이팩트를 줄 수 있나요? (aka Project Nevada)처럼요.Q: How are hacking and lockpicking going to work?
A: They are most likely going to work similarly to how they work in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Q : 해킹과 문따키는 얼마나 어렵죠?Q: How are you going to handle the magic system?
A: There will be about 11 base spells in the game, each with multiple upgrades, some of which can dramatically change the way the spell works.
Q : 마법 시스템은 어떻게 운영하나요?Q: Will you be able to combine magic and weapons to produce alternative effects, such as in Skyrim?
A: Unfortunately no, however, you will be able to use a weapon and a spell simultaneously, and there will be potions for other alternative effects.
Q : 스카이 림처럼 마법과 전투를 통합할 수 있나요?Q: It was mentioned during the presentation that there will be around 11 spells, could you give some examples as to what those spells will be?
A: Telekinesis, Shield, Harmony (Buff), Light, Teleportation, Regeneration, Magic Missile, Illusion, Anesthetic Spell, Magic Trap, Strife (Debuff).
Q : 프레젠테이션에서 11개의 마법 스팰을 사용할 수 있다고 말하셨더군요, 예를 들어 어떤 스펠을 사용할 수 있나요?Q: How much of the stuff in the wasteland will be movable by Telekinesis?
A: Anything that isn’t bolted down or part of the scenery.
Q : 염력은 황무지에서 얼마나 유용한가요?Q: Even boxcars?
A: Unfortunately, no. Those will be part of the scenery.
Q : 컨테이너도 옮길 수 있나요?Q: How large will the gameworld be?
A: Huge
Q : 게임 스케일은 어떻게 되죠?
Q: Will there be any original locations?
A: Yes, the game will definitely have original locations which are not present in the original story.
Q : 게임 차체의 장소는 어디인가요?Q: Will there be a day-night cycle?
A: Yes, most definitely.
Q : 밤 낮이 있나요?Q: Will there be any dynamic environmental effects?
A: Yes, there will be a variation of different environmental effects, and the weather will vary between different locations.
Q : 환경 변화 요소가 있나요?Q: Are you guys going to have any easter eggs?
A: Most likely. However, they are not exactly something we are really looking into at the moment.
Q : 이스터 에그 넣을 건가요?Q: How many hours can we expect from the game?
A: No exact number yet, but we expect it to be a lot.
Q : 플레이 시간은 얼마나 되죠?Q: Will there be any kind of made up language?
A: Currently, we do not have the resources to develop an entire language of our own. However, if there is a linguist who is interested in helping, please send us an email!
Q : 어느 언어로 만들건가요?Q: Are you going to make the game moddable by the community?
A: We will do our best to make that possible, but at this time we can’t confirm the full extent of modability the game will have.
Q : 풀아웃 에퀘스트리아 2차 창작을 3차 창작으로 모델링 할 수 있는 그룹을 지원하나요?Q: Do you have any estimation for when an open beta will take place?
A: Our personal goal is by the end of the year. However, that is subject to change. We want to make sure the demo will have enough content and is stable.
Q : 언제 베타 서비스가 시작되는지 말할 수 있나요?Q: Will there be gore?
A: Yep
Q : 고어한가요?Q: More radio and Velvet Remedy songs?
A: You bet!죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.