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  • 게시물ID : humorbest_72495
    작성자 : ^-^;;;
    추천 : 115
    조회수 : 10494
    IP : 220.84.***.8
    댓글 : 22개
    베스트 등록시간 : 2004/12/03 00:19:03
    원글작성시간 : 2004/12/02 23:20:52
    http://todayhumor.com/?humorbest_72495 모바일
    [19금] 공부잘하는 분들만

    해석하셔서 [19금] 의 묘미를 느끼시오..

    이정도해석 가소롭다 --- 추천
    궁금해서 들어와봤다 --- 추천
    잘몰라서 낭패봤다.. --- 추천

    Perhaps the greatest thing about being a devoted operagoer is that there is so much room for growth. Although you have heard an opera once, you can still hear it five or twenty times more. I have heard at least twenty performances of my favorite operas, and I would happily hear them twenty more times. With each rehearing, you
    (A) what you know. The better you know an opera, the more you will be challenged by the ideas of new singers, conductors, directors, and designers.
    Your first experience with Rigoletto and Tosca is only your (B) to those masterpieces. Each time you hear a different singer in any of the key roles, you are hearing a new interpretation. Even the same singer will vary on two different occasions. Artists grow and change in their approach to a character based on their own life experiences and their moods. For example, I saw a famous soprano from Eastern Europe sing Tosca twice within ten months. The first time was a good, honest performance that pleased the audience. The second was
    (C). Between the performances, the singer’s husband had suddenly died. The love scenes in the second performance seemed much more moving, and her response to the death of her lover was undeniably charming.

    2. Every age is in fact an age of information

    The claim that we have recently entered the information age is misleading. Flooded by (a)______cellphones, the Internet, and television, we incorrectly imagine that our ancestors inhabited an innocent world where the news did not travel far beyond (b)_____the village. It may not be valid to assume that the media make our time distinct from the past, because we know relatively little about how information was shared in the past. In fact, the Olympics celebrate the memory of (c)_____the Greek soldier who brought the news of the Athenian victory over the Persians. Most of us could come up with many other examples―(d)_____ message drums, smoke signals, church bells, ship flags. But their primitiveness would only confirm our sense that we live in a fundamentally different world, one of constant, instant access to information. All ages have had a means of sharing information.
    What makes our time distinct is not the density of the data we take in. It is the technology that does the transmitting. Thanks to (e)_____ satellites, we can find out instantly about events that occur on the other side of the world. It usually took five weeks for Benjamin Franklin in Paris to receive a letter sent from Philadelphia. But the news was still new and surprising to people there.

    Michelangelo looked at a block of marble and saw a man. Elffers looks at a lemon and sees a pig. Growing up in Holland, he was taught to clear his plate; playing with food was forbidden. As an adult, the artist visited Japan, where, he recalls, food was “almost too beautiful, and without humor. Food should be a joy.” With his edible produce sculptures, Elffers hopes to share that joy. “If you give people permission to see the pig in the lemon, they will forever see animals in fruit or vegetables,” he says. “Americans carve pumpkins but they never use the stem. It’s such an expressive nose!” He urges pumpkin buyers to create their own zoos this Halloween. Elffers says, “Shop with an open mind.”

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2010/10/26 23:52:25  110.14.***.152  
    [2] 2010/10/26 23:52:55  121.161.***.208  Riel
    [3] 2010/10/26 23:55:44  114.204.***.163  씨눈발아현미
    [4] 2010/10/26 23:56:36  61.255.***.34  
    [5] 2010/10/26 23:57:05  114.200.***.161  태클매냐☆
    [6] 2010/10/26 23:57:17  27.110.***.125  오유의난
    [7] 2010/10/26 23:57:22  121.191.***.33  
    [8] 2010/10/26 23:57:59  211.227.***.246  오유관계자
    [9] 2010/10/26 23:58:02  121.181.***.102  스키스기데
    [10] 2010/10/26 23:58:03  218.48.***.189  
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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