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The current of korean singer going to america is getting popular recently.
but entering into us market without clear goal seems to be very dangerous and reckless.
by doing so, they might get a lot of money because of relatively bigger market size
the risk, however, is so big until they get to the level that they expect. To accomplish their goal, they have to be educated english up to the level they do not feel uncomfortable living in US. Then they make suitable songs for american's taste and start promoting as completely unknown artist.
How long will it take to make accomplishment through those kind of process?
They never get what they want in a short period of time
On the contrary, The PSY, make a big hit in US, is the case that requests for debut come from US first. in this case, it is a good example because they could get naturally fame and success without trial and error
I am not trying to say we should not go to america but aimless attempts only bring about bleeding and scars
한 10줄 내외의 짧은 글인데요 틀린부분 지적좀 부탁드릴께요!!
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