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ooooo 1일 전
is this a gel electrolyte? Looks super clean the whole battery
ooooo14시간 전
Mukund you are just not looking hard....the electrolyte is a mixture of aluminum chloride and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidizolium chloride. The correct mole ratio will help you get the best performance.
ooooo 12시간 전
is this a solid electrolyte or gel?
MJ Jung1초 전
I understand why you are confused. I wrote the reason in the below reply. Good Luck on your research.
ooooo 12시간 전
Its a liquid! Solid electrolyte are solids, so ions cannot move as fast as they do in liquids, which limits the power output of the cell. Generally only used for low-power applications....so focus...its a liquid.
MJ Jung 1초 전
yes, you're perfectly right. However, it's not strange that Mr. Mukund gets confused because no liquid leaks out of the cell. That's because I made electrolyte to be like gel. The problem I've been faced to is that I should develop a much better electrode, made of graphite, and whose electric resistance is much lower. I've been doing experiments to invent it. But it's not easy to make it. Anyway, I am researching on the material to make it have lower ohm than that of copper. Good Luck.출처 | 시끄러운 글이면 죄송합니다. 맨날 흑연 갖고 실험하다 보니.... |
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