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Bottom Left: 프로젝트 제드 추정
Dark sight, shadows marked, death lives beside. Silencer, he follows. The shadow is within. Blood soaked, he stands. Vanish...
Bottom Right: 프로젝트 루시안 추정
Piercing flame, he, cast in light. I see his vision, free from shadow, a blazing melody. Beyond the light, nothing, purity bound in fury...
Top Right : 프로젝트 레오나 or 케일 추정
Brilliance in pieces, shrouded in ethereal flame. Protector, light bringer. Lone voice. Stand and Fight. In death heavy fields, now still she stands, light washes over...
Top Left: 프로젝트 이렐리아 or 피오라 추정
Weaves, unweaves; unraveled defense, dashing forward blade gleaming. Caught orbiting one vision, dashing, striking, blade dancing...
Top : ??
Trace lost
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출처 | http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=2778&l=37491 |
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