북미섭에서 Diana 라는 닉네임으로 놀고있는 잉여입니다..
오늘 접속 했더니.. 이름이 이상하게 바뀌었더라구요
TempName14564415 ???
이름도 어렵네요
더하기... 5000 RP가 똻!!!!
뭐야 이거.. 해킹당했는데 누가 알피 충전했나.. 싶었는데..
라이엇에서 메일이 하나 와있네요.. 아래는 메일 전문입니다.
DavieB (Riot Games Player Support)
Mar 30, 19:53
Dear Summoner,
As you may be aware, we have a champion called Diana. I’m going to get the bad news and the legal stuff out of the way and move on the better news. Here’s an excerpt from our terms of service, which you can review at your own convenience here:
http://www.leagueoflegends.com/legal/termsofuse III. No Ownership of Property Rights in Account.
You agree that You shall have no ownership interest or intellectual property rights in the Account. All intellectual property rights in and to the Game and everything in the Game, including, but not limited to objects, artifacts, characters, character names, locations, location names, stories, story lines, dialog, catch phrases, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, sounds, musical compositions and recordings, Riot Points (defined below) audio-visual effects, character likenesses, and methods of operation (the “Game Assets”) are owned or licensed by Riot Games. You acknowledge have no interest, monetary or otherwise, in any feature of or content in the Game, including, without limitation, Game Assets. Riot Games and its licensors reserve the exclusive right to create derivative works based on the Site, the Game, and/or Game Assets. You agree that you will not create any work of authorship or create any derivative works based on the Site, the Game or the Game except as expressly permitted by Riot Games. Any reproduction or redistribution of the Site or the Game, or use of the Game not in accordance with the EULA and this Agreement is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.
So basically what this means is that we’re going to have to change your Summoner name as all champion names are licensed by Riot Games. There are some things I want to clarify before we move on. We have a pretty large champion design team now which involves a lot of people putting their minds together to create awesome champions along with giving them the coolest and most appropriate name possible.
You may be asking yourself: “Well if you knew someone had the name Diana, why couldn’t you just name her something else?” It’s a totally valid question. With League of Legends being as popular as it is with a player base that is growing so rapidly it’s going to become increasingly difficult to find a name that is not used by any given member of our community. Also we want to give that champion the best name possible and we wouldn’t want to fall back on a lesser name because a player already has that name.
While other game companies may say: “That’s how it is, sorry” this is not the way we want to treat our players here at Riot Games. Ultimately we will have to change your name, we as players completely understand how that’s a negative player experience for you, and for that we truly and sincerely sympathize and apologize.
Which brings me to the good news. Obviously, and while we don’t normally do this, you will be free to pick your new Summoner Name.
We will also add Diana and her skin to your inventory, free of charge. In addition to that, we will add 5000 RP to your account as compensation for the inconvenience caused.
We would again like to sincerely apologize for changing your name, and I hope you will find the compensation appropriate and that it will encourage you to keep playing and supporting League of Legends.
Thank you very much for your support, and have a great day.
Best regards,
Player Support Tech Specialist
뭐.. 영어는 모르니.. RP나 잘 쓰려구요..
첫경험이라 많이 놀랬네요 ㅎ
다들 우루푸 잘 즐기세용