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The celebrated animated series comes to bookshelves! Revisit the inhabitants of Equestria and learn about the magic that friendship brings in this adaptation of the television series.At the moment, it could be anything. It does look like IDW is behind the publishing of it though. I guess only time will tell! Expect it in December on the 4th
루나 코믹은 마이크로 시리즈의 마지막일 가능성이 있습니다.
By Sethisto
As was announced last night, the official comic micro series has a bit of Luna on the horizon. In the solicitations supplied to ComicList from IDW, there is a bullet point section listing the following:
저번 밤 공개했던 것처럼 이번 공식 코믹 시리즈는 루나 공주에 대해 다루고, IDW는 다음과 같은 사항을 공지했습니다.
• The team behind the Rarity Micro returns!As you can see from the middle one, Luna is slated to be the final pony in the micro series. This actually directly contradicts a quote released from Larrys Comics back in July though, noting that after Applejack releases, we would see six more months of them (ending in January with that math). Luna falls in December.
• Fan-favorite Luna ends the MLP Micro-series!
• Variant cover by Andy Price!
레리티 마이크로 팀의 복귀.
루나는 마이크로 시리즈의 마지막.
앤디 프라이스가 커버를 만듬.
Yes it is the last micro, for the foreseeable future. We've got something new and fun coming in January though. I'll let that solicit hit next month and then talk about it more then!One thing is for sure, it's going to be hard to top Luna and Pirates releasing in the same month! Thanks to Whatshisgame and Doucet for the heads up!
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