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@metempirics Hi Jae - we're going to cover this today. Any chance you can put us in touch with family members? [email protected] - thanks
@metempirics Thanks Jae Hee - do you know anyone who would be willing to talk to us on the radio - we can do by phone?
We're going to tweet photos of a sit-in taking place in Seoul by families of #Sewol ferry disaster HT @metempirics
@zjmurphy I've contacted the Family members of #Sewol victims. but not received any mention. Did you get their reply?
@metempirics Hi Jae Hee, no we didn't get any reply - maybe we could try for next week? thanks again
@zjmurphy Maybe they are too tired because of the overnight protest,
@metempirics Totally understand - if you can put us in touch next week please email me. Take care and thanks again, Zoe
@metempirics Thanks Jae Hee - if he replies please can you email / DM me his details
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