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Japan 일본 - JPN ???
미국이나 영국은 국가 이름이 길어서 (GBR Great Britain 영국, USA United States of America 미국) 그렇다 쳐도
국가 이름이 짧은 일본의 이니셜은 왜 앞글자 3개를 따지 않았을까?
하지만 여기에는 일본의 슬픈 사연이 담겨 있는데..
오바마 잽 발언
실제 대본
…As I told Prime Minister Kan last night, and reaffirmed at the Japanese embassy here in Washington today, the Japanese people are not alone in this time of great trial and sorrow. Across the Pacific, they will find a hand of support extended from the United States as they get back on their feet. After all, we have an alliance that was forged more than a half century ago, and strengthened by shared interests and democratic values. Our people share ties of family, ties of culture, and ties of commerce. Our troops have served to protect Japan’s shores, and our citizens have found opportunity and friendship in Japan’s cities and towns.
Above all, I am confident that Jap..ah..Japan will recover and rebuild because of the strength and spirit of the Japanese people. Over the last few days, they’ve opened up their homes to one another.
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