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ZenonTheStoic returned to the "Why do we do reworks" thread to discuss more upcoming reworks, noting that both Gangplank and Darius have reworks of some sort in the pipeline:
"Irelia - Coldish. I think we need to spend some more time thinking about what we want bruisers to be.
Akali - Cold. I feel she's in a decent place. Her dueling potential may be too high, but in team fights enemies have tools to control her. She benefited a little from the removal of oracle's, but it's not the end of the world
Gangplank - Hot hot hot. RiotGMang is working on a rework that has us all very excited. He very much keeps his global cannon barrage ult and gets one very cool new ability that I don't want to spoil. GMang will talk about it when he's ready. However I still think the rework needs more treasure.
Darius - Reasonably hot. We have a rework that sort of got 90% of the way there. We want to position Darius as a teamfight time bomb (get to max stacks bleed and dunk fools). One of our brilliant interns worked on this last year and RiotScruffy finished it up. It's currently mothballed as we wait for art resources (there are other reworks that are much higher on the list in terms of art). Scruffy himself can probably talk more about this. Personally I enjoyed jungling the new Darius a LOT in our internal playtests."
He also commented briefly on Talon, saying:
"I agree that Talon could really use a rework, but no one is currently working on him."
Replying to comments about rework champions who aren't weak, ZenonTheStoic reminded summoners to reread the initial rework statements posted by RiotScruffy the other day:
"MackleDoge, I refer you back to the first post. We don't do reworks because a champion is weak."
출처 : http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=3338&query=view&p=1&my=&category=&sort=PID&orderby=&where=&name=&subject=&content=&keyword=&sterm=&iskin=&mskin=&l=2457
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