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A rally for victims of South Korea's Sewol ferry disaster has turned violent.
Police used water cannon and pepper spray to prevent thousands of protesters from marching towards the president's home in Seoul.
They are demanding more government action over the sinking, including an independent inquiry.
The Sewol capsized as it made a sharp turn on a routine journey a year ago, killing 304 people, including 250 students from the same school.
<제가 보낸 수정요청>
The article in the URL describes that there was 'protest', and 'the crowds were marching towards the president's home in Seoul'.
The expressions are highly misleading. The crowds gathered to give condolences to the family of the missing and deceased, were not protesting for anything. No requirements nor statement has been made.
The crowds were not marching towards the Blue House, the White House equivalent of South Korea, it happens to be at the same direction with collective memorial parlor set-up.
And on top of that, the crowds were peaceful until the police -unlawfully- blocks the rally (which is naturally formed due to the huge number of people) and get violent against the peaceful civilians.
This is a serious suppression case by the government against its own citizens. Please correct the misleading expressions accordingly.
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