10월의 대박1
http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20111008a1.html Cesium levels spiking with unusually high amount of fallout in Okutama, Tokyo up to 300,000 Bq/m² — Home to World’s largest drinking water reservoir of its kind, built to supply Tokyo
An aerial radiation survey of the capital and Kanagawa Prefecture has revealed the northwest tip of Tokyo was tainted by an unusually high amount of fallout [... in] the mountainous Okutama region on Tokyo’s western fringe. Radiation readings in the area were the highest of the two prefectures at 100,000 to 300,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium per square meter.
The hourly radiation readings in the area hovered between 0.2 and 0.5 micr--ievert, but a few spots had higher levels between 0.5 and 1.0 micr--ieverts, science official Hirotaka Oku said.
http://fukushima-diary.com/2011/10/news-tokyo-tap-water-in-a-crisis/ 오쿠타마 지역에 내려앉은 세슘 양이 평방미터당 10만~30만 베크렐이라는..
문제는 오쿠타마지역이 산악이고 바로 그곳에 도쿄도에 수도물을 공급하는 상수원이 있다는 것..
세계 최대의 방사능 수도물 공급이 된다는 것..
9월달에 나왔던 도쿄도 수도물 방사능수치는 1리터 8.12베크렐..
WHO기준은 1베크렐..
8.12는 시작에 불과..
Dr. McCoy
October 9, 2011 at 4:03 pm Log in to Reply
I’m a doctor, not a brigadier general, but I am curious as to the exact location of the tens of thousands of Ameican service men and women and their families that are stationed in the irradiated country of Japan. Also where is the USS Ronald Reagan and its crew? There has been no mention as to the exact status of this Super-carrier and its people since it steamed (ironically under nuclear power) through a highly radioactive Fuke cloud back in late March.
Today is also my first day p--ting here after reading faithfully since March. This site and its community have been a light in a yellow journalistic world of darkness.
McCoy out.
미국에서 실제 의사라는 분이 도쿄도에 체류하는 자국민들과 요코하마의 미군을 걱정..
10월의 대박2
Strontium-90 at 195 Bq/kg found 30 km south of Tokyo
http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/2011/10/strontium-90-discovered-in-yokohama.html http://fukushima-diary.com/2011/10/breaking-news-tokyo-on-the-edge/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FukushimaDiary+%28Fukushima+Diary%29 Strontium 90 was measured in Yokohama, Kouhokuku. (5 mins by car from my apartment.)
In the simplest put, it’s over.
The amount was 195 Bq/kg.
Detected by a university staff teaching engineering, so the measurement is trustworthy.
It has nothing to do with the historical world-wide nuclear test, because it was measured on the roof of and apartment, which was built only 5 years ago.
Now the test result was sent to Yokohama city government.
Yokohama city government is supp--ed to pretend to re-measure it and say it’s not a harmful amount at all.
The location was randomly ch--en. The person who randomly found it is very upset and confused.
It means strontium 90 is already all around in Tokyo area.
Ministry of Education and Science found strontium 79km area on 9/30.
They kept asserting Plutonium and Strontium don’t fly further than 80km because they don’t want them to fly so much.
Professor Nojiri Mihoko (HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK) stated, plutonium, uranium, they never fly further than 20km by such a little expl--ion.
If she is right, Strontium must have taken a cab.
However, Yokohama is 245km away from Fukushima.
Tokyo is cl--er to Fukushima actually.
일본 종합대학원(Sokendai)대학 부속 고에너지 입자가속 연구부((HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH
ORGANIZATION, KEK)의 교수님이 요코하마시의 흙을 퍼와 측정했더니 흙1kg에 스트론튬90이
무려 195베크렐이 검출되었다는 충격적인 사태..
여태까지 일본정부가 TV와 언론에서 떠들었던 것은 전부 거짓말이라는~
스트론튬90.. 반감기는 28년 세슘137과 동급의 반감기일뿐더러 이 스트론튬90이 무서운건
이 물질이 특성상 칼슘과 흡사하여 체내에 물이나 음식물등으로 흡수되면 몸밖으로 빠져나가지 않고
몸에 축적될 가능성이 매우 높기 때문이다..
세슘은 오줌으로 어느정도 배출되겠지만 스트론튬은 그렇게 빠져나가지 않는다는 거다..
즉, 스트론튬은 10베크렐만으로도 매우 위험하다는 것이다..
몸속으로 들어오면 뼈와 이빨에 무조건 들어온다고 보면 되고 뼈와 이빨에 박힌 스트론튬은 죽을때까지
빠져나가지를 않는다.. 그래서 이게 플루토늄 다음으로 무서운 방사능 핵종 물질이다..
요코하마..도쿄에서 남쪽으로 30km지점...
현재 도쿄시민들의 운명은 대단히 위험한 상태라는..
일본정부와 주요언론들은 이 사실을 감출거고 한국정부와 언론도 마찬가지~
일본에 있는 교포,유학생,연예인들의 건강과 목숨은 당사자들이 각자 알아서들 구해야할 듯...