Effect 5 : Book Test
You produce three paperback books and invite a spectator
to choose one of them. Another spectator cuts a deck of
cards anywhere they like and adds together the values of the
first two cards on the bottom pile
Whatever number they get, you ask the first spectator to
turn to that page in the book and concentrate on the first line
of the page.
You concentrate and then announce a couple of words
Then you pick up a notepad and scribble something onto it.
You ask the spectator to read the sentence aloud and it
matches what you have written.
Book Tests are a staple part of mind reading and there are
hundreds of methods. This is one of the simplest and uses another
stacked deck, calles a 14/15 stack.
To create the stack, remove the Ace of Hearts and Ace of Spades
and arrange the remaining cards as follows, with the 7D at the
Bottom, all cards face down :
7C 8C 6D 9S 5C 10H 4D JS 3C QS 2D KS AC KH 2H QC 3D JH
4S 10C 5D 9C 6S 8S 7S 8D 6H 9H 5H 10D 4C JD 3S QH 2S KD
AD KC 2C QD 3H JC 4H 10S 5S 9D 6C 8H 7H 7D
Wherever the cards are cut, the first two cards on the bottom stack
will alwats total 14 or 15.
You've probably figured out that you use the magician's choice
explain earlier to force your spectator to choose the book you
Book Test - Alternative Handlings :
A variation on this effect is to get a general impression of what's
happening on pages 14 and 15. you can then draw a picture that
illustrates the action in the book
You can also perform this giving the spectator a completely free
choice of book. Write lines 14 and 15 from each of the three books
very lightly in pencil on your notepad. This will not be visible from a
distance but means you don't have to memorize each of the six lines
Effect 6 : Find the Lady
You show three playing cards, one a queen and the other
two ordinary number cards. you place them face down and
shuffle them around rapidly then invite a spectator to find the
lady(the queen). Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.
then you invite them to shuffle the cards and you find the
lady. you win every time.
The cards are then turned face up and the same thing is
done, this time with your back turned so you can't see the
cards. Once again your are able to consistently predict
Where the spectator will place the Queen
Find the Lady was a favorite trick amongst street con artist. To
make the first part of the routine work, you need to mark the back of
the queen so you can always find it. This should be done very
subtly so only you know what to look for.
Look at the two card backs below :
[여기서 그냥 카드 뒷면 두장이 그려져잇음 내가맨날쓰는거알지;;?]
The card on the right has been marked by carefully coloring in one
of the white birds on the cyclist's left shoulder to match the backing.
Depending on the back design, you can mark the card in anyway
you like - so long as you can easily find the queen.
It is also Possible to buy Whole dcks of marked cards but some
systems are rather obcious.
Just remember to only use marked cards for entertainment
purposes - never involve real money betting in Find the Lady
To make this effect really work, you'll need to improvise patter
based on where they place the Lady. For instance :
" Ok, so you put the Queen on the left last time, now most
people will put it in the same place the second time but you
don't seem like most people. l?I?[엘인지 아이인지;;]reckon you'll have put it
in the middle."
" so you put the Queen on the left the first time and in the
middle the second time.
A lot of people would then go back to the left but you know
I'm expecting you not to do the obvious, so you would have
stuck in the middle.
Except you didn't - you suspected l?I?[햇갈림 ㅠ_ㅠ;;]'d know that so have
gone For the right hand side !"
For the second Part of the routine you need a confederate. They
signal to you the Position of the Queen.
One method you could use is to have your confederate sit or stand
with his chin in hand.
His forefinger indicates the position of the Queen, as below:
[자신의입술을 손가락으로 Left Middle Right 가리키고 잇음;;]
And of coures, make sure your confedrate sits in a position where
you can easily see them without marking strange movements. A
casual glance out into aduience should be enough.
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