- Infested Stukov is back and will lead Infested Swarm in one of the Swarm missions.
- We will have 20 missions: beginning on Umoja and ending on Korhal:
- Umoja - 3 missions
- Char - 3 missions
- Kaldir - 3 missions
- Zerus - 3 missions
- Skygeirr platform - 3 missions
- Space missions - 2
- Korhal - 3 missions
- In Umoja missions we will fight against Dominion. We also will try to escape Umoja Labs. What we've seen in trailer with Nova invasion is the campaign beginning. In Rendezvous mission we must destroy Dominion structures before Naktul Brood arrives. Valerian portrait is the reward for completing these missions.
- On Char we will fight against Za'Gara, second mission - against Terrans on Char and special Gorgon Battlecruiser. Third mission is against Warfield himself on Char too. Za'Gara portrait is the reward for Char missions.
- On Kaldir we will play mission with freezing structures and units (you saw in preview), next mission - Shoot the Messenger (we will try to kill all escaping Protoss ships), and third mission will allow us to control Giant Ursadon. Reward for Kaldir missions - Lasarra portrait (woman Protoss which infested by larva in trailer)
- On Zerus we will fight against Primal Zergs. First mission will be around killing Primal Hives. Second one - Kerrigan's cocoon defending and fight against Tyrannozor, and in third mission - fullscale invasion with achievement "Kill 500 units". Reward for Zerus missions - Dehak portrait.
- Skygeirr Platform - these three missions with Infested Stukov portrait as reward, will tell us about leading Infested Swarm. In second and third missions in this category we will fight against Hybrids.
- Space missions will be with hyperion Battlecruiser. First mission is about collecting minerals and avoiding mines. Second mission - I don't understand what it will be, but one of achievements is don't lose more than 50% of Kerrigan's health.
- And last portion of 3 missions will be on Korhal. In first mission we must destroy Augustgrad gates, in second mission we will control Dehak monster, third mission achievements are about saving Hyperion from death (achievement called "Swarm Guardain") and killing Odin before Mengsk sends it to Raynor's forces.
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