분류 | 게시판 |
베스트 |
유머 |
이야기 |
이슈 |
생활 |
취미 |
학술 |
방송연예 |
방송프로그램 |
디지털 |
스포츠 |
야구팀 |
게임1 |
게임2 |
기타 |
운영 |
임시게시판 |
Please answer all of the following questions to give us an idea of your prior experience playing DOTA. We will use this information to filter players into appropriate matchmaking buckets for the Dota 2 beta in order to ensure competitive matches and to validate our skill curves. We are hoping to recruit a wide range of experience for our beta, so please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.