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Road to Freedom is a Fallout 4 mission, and part of IGN's complete wiki guide and Walkthrough to Fallout 4. Road to Freedom can be a real pain to complete...or an absolute breeze if you know the secret.
Key Locations:
The Road to Freedom quest triggers in the plaza in Goodneighbor, and tasks you with following the Freedom Trail. Normally this quest requires you to visit all sites along the trail gathering and recording parts of a secret code. However, we can skip all of that and just give you the lowdown!
After triggering the quest, simply walk to the Old North Church at this location. Careful, there are ghouls inside.
Within you'll spot a door under a painting of a lantern. Descend the stairs beyond.
More Ghouls await in the tunnels. At the end of the long passage you'll find this code wheel.
Dial in the password "RAILROAD" pressing the center panel between each letter. A wall will open and admit you.
Negotiate with the members of the Railroad here to gain the valuableTradecraft side quest and add Deacon as a Companion
3줄요약 하자면
1. 퀘스트 받아서 boston common으로 넘어가서
2. (기찻길 찾느라 헤메지 말고)바로 old north church 로 가서
3. 지하로 내려가서 길따라 가다보면 나오는 트레일 링에 암호 RAILROAD 입력하고 가운데를 누질르면
레일로드 누님들 만난다 뭐 이런겁니다.
(트레일 링에 암호 입력하는건 영어부분 링을 돌려가면서 R에 화살표 놓고 가운데 한번 누르고
A에 화살표 놓고 가운데 한번 누르고 뭐 이런식...글자는 중복돼도 상관없는거 같습니다.)
출처 | http://www.ign.com/wikis/fallout-4/Road_to_Freedom |
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