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유머 |
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이슈 |
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취미 |
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야구팀 |
게임1 |
게임2 |
기타 |
운영 |
임시게시판 |
Hey guys! Thank you all so much for your input on the last color poll! There was a huge demand for Purple so we've added a preview for Purple in this new poll. We want to see what everyone's least to most favorite colors are! Please check it out in the link below and submit your vote so we know how many units of each color to make!
Thanks again!
이건 출시색 투표하는거같더라고요 저 링크들어가시면 투표할수잇어요
색상별로 사진도 잇구요!!
죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.