분류 | 게시판 |
베스트 |
유머 |
이야기 |
이슈 |
생활 |
취미 |
학술 |
방송연예 |
방송프로그램 |
디지털 |
스포츠 |
야구팀 |
게임1 |
게임2 |
기타 |
운영 |
임시게시판 |
옵션 |
캐나다에는 Globe and Mail 이라는 신문이 있는데, 요게 판매부수로 보자면, 캐나다 전체에서 아슬아슬하게 2위정도 차지하고 있습니다.
우리나라로 치자면 좃중동 중에서 중앙일보 수준이라고 해야할까요? 물론 논조는 전혀 다릅니다만...
저도 몇번 여기 기사를 읽어보려고 했는데... 요기 기사가 다른 신문보다는 좀 어렵습니다.
어려운 단어도 많이 나오고, 좀 오래된 관용구도 많이 나오고 해서 별로 들어가고 싶지 않은 뉴스 사이트이긴 합니다만...
어쨌든 이 신문에서 매년 대대적으로 하는 행사가 있으니 바로바로 캐나다에서 직원들에게 괜찮은 회사 Top 100 (which employers lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces for their employees.) 이라는 이벤트입니다.
요렇게 따로 웹사이트도 있고...
뽑힌 회사 홈페이지 같은 곳 들어가면, 꼭 요 표시를 자랑스럽게 붙여놓은 걸로 봐서는 어느 정도 권위가 인정되어 있는 조사라고 해야할까요?
올해도 여지없이 이 Top 100 리스트를 뽑았는데요... 이 전에는 그냥 그런가 보다 하고 쑥 훓고 지나갔지만, 오늘은 한번 요 리스트에 대해서 분석을 해 보겠습니다.
왜냐? 전 쓸데없는 일 정리하는 게 취미거든요...
일단 평가기준...
(1) Physical Workplace - 회사 위치와 편의시설 등등...
(2) Work Atmosphere & Social - 직원들끼리 얼마나 잘 노느냐...
(3) Health, Financial & Family Benefits - 보험 등등...
(4) Vacation & Time Off - 휴가 및 년차 등등...
(5) Employee Communications - 직원들과의 소통...
(6) Performance Management - 직원 평가 메니지먼트...
(7) Training & Skills Development - 트레이닝 서포트...
(8) Community Involvement - 주변 커뮤니티에 도움이 많이 주느냐? 즉 지역행사에 찬조를 많이 하느냐?
Company | Province | City | Industry | Employe |
Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc | Alberta | Boyle | Pulp and paper mills | 408 |
National Energy Board | Alberta | Calgary | Federal government | 460 |
Graham Group | Alberta | Calgary | Construction | 1,036 |
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP | Alberta | Calgary | Law firm | 1,417 |
Agrium Inc | Alberta | Calgary | Agriculture products and fertilizer manufacturing | 3,440 |
Enbridge Inc | Alberta | Calgary | Natural gas distribution | 5,848 |
Shell Canada Ltd | Alberta | Calgary | Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction | 8,307 |
Shaw Communications Inc | Alberta | Calgary | Communications, cable and subscription programming | 10,921 |
PCL Construction | Alberta | Edmonton | Construction | 2,865 |
R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd. | BC | Burnaby | Engineering | 115 |
Simon Fraser University | BC | Burnaby | Universities | 2,903 |
Nature’s Path Foods Inc | BC | Richmond | Food manufacturing | 185 |
College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC | BC | Vancouver | Professional organizations | 126 |
Raymond James Ltd | BC | Vancouver | Investment banking | 840 |
Goldcorp Inc | BC | Vancouver | Gold mining | 3,291 |
West Fraser Timber Co | BC | Vancouver | Sawmills | 5,449 |
Provincial Health Services Authority / PHSA | BC | Vancouver | Hospitals | 10,346 |
Telus Corp | BC | Vancouver | Telecommunications | 23,328 |
HP Advanced Solutions Inc | BC | Victoria | Computer systems design services | 463 |
BC Public Service | BC | Victoria | Provincial government | 26,309 |
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Inc | Manitoba | Winnipeg | Television broadcasting | 138 |
National Leasing Group Inc | Manitoba | Winnipeg | Sales financing | 350 |
Ceridian | Manitoba | Winnipeg | Payroll | 1,597 |
Manitoba Hydro | Manitoba | Winnipeg | Hydroelectric power generation | 6,001 |
Cargill Ltd | Manitoba | Winnipeg | Food and agricultural products | 8,166 |
Great-West Life Assurance Co | Manitoba | Winnipeg | Insurance | 10,938 |
University of New Brunswick / UNB | NB | Fredericton | Universities | 1,762 |
Medavie Blue Cross | NB | Moncton | Insurance | 1,896 |
Irving Oil | NB | Saint John | Petroleum refining distribution and retail | 2,474 |
Verafin Inc | NL | St John’s | Computer programming | 205 |
CBCL Ltd | NS | Halifax | Engineering | 260 |
Mars Inc | ON | Bolton | Food manufacturing | 1,068 |
Loblaw Cos Ltd | ON | Brampton | Supermarkets and grocery stores | 28,481 |
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc | ON | Cambridge | Automobile manufacturing | 8,575 |
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd | ON | Chalk River | Nuclear power technology and engineering | 3,318 |
Union Gas Ltd | ON | Chatham | Natural gas distribution | 2,245 |
Stryker Canada Inc | ON | Hamilton | Medical equipment and supplies wholesalers | 246 |
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc | ON | Hamilton | Iron and steel mills | 9,765 |
Digital Extremes Ltd | ON | London | Software publishers | 232 |
3M Canada Co | ON | London | Technology manufacturing | 1,740 |
IMAX Corp | ON | Mississauga | Motion picture theatres | 336 |
World Vision Canada | ON | Mississauga | Charitable organizations | 479 |
Samsung Electronics Canada Inc | ON | Mississauga | Communications equipment manufacturing | 517 |
BASF Canada Inc | ON | Mississauga | Chemical manufacturing | 693 |
Bayer Inc | ON | Mississauga | Pharmaceutical manufacturing | 1,522 |
EllisDon Corp | ON | Mississauga | Construction | 1,721 |
Hatch Ltd | ON | Mississauga | Engineering | 2,930 |
General Electric Canada / GE | ON | Mississauga | Diversified technology and equipment manufacturing | 7,213 |
PepsiCo Canada | ON | Mississauga | Soft drink and food manufacturing | 9,358 |
Siemens Canada Ltd | ON | Oakville | Engineering | 4,904 |
Ford Motor Co of Canada | ON | Oakville | Automobile manufacturing | 8,140 |
Export Development Canada | ON | Ottawa | International trade financing and support | 1,287 |
Bank of Canada | ON | Ottawa | Central bank | 1,550 |
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | ON | Ottawa | Finance spending and regulation | 1,922 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | ON | Ottawa | National security | 3,299 |
NAV Canada | ON | Ottawa | Air traffic control | 4,807 |
Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc | ON | Toronto | Architecture | 190 |
Toronto International Film Festival / TIFF | ON | Toronto | Motion picture promotion | 228 |
Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto | ON | Toronto | Child and youth services | 503 |
Fidelity Canada | ON | Toronto | Portfolio management | 792 |
Salesforce Canada Corp | ON | Toronto | Computer programming | 1,184 |
Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd | ON | Toronto | Publishers | 1,196 |
McCarthy Tétrault LLP | ON | Toronto | Law firm | 1,435 |
Corus Entertainment Inc | ON | Toronto | Media production and broadcasting | 1,513 |
Cisco Systems Canada Co | ON | Toronto | Computer and equipment manufacturing | 1,741 |
Proctor & Gamble Inc | ON | Toronto | Consumer product manufacturing | 1,754 |
SAP Canada Inc | ON | Toronto | Computer programming | 2,863 |
Labatt Breweries of Canada | ON | Toronto | Breweries | 3,143 |
Accenture Inc | ON | Toronto | Management consulting | 3,425 |
Ubisoft Toronto | ON | Toronto | Software publishers | 3,494 |
Hospital for Sick Children | ON | Toronto | Hospitals | 5,487 |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre | ON | Toronto | Hospitals | 5,950 |
KPMG LLP | ON | Toronto | Accounting | 6,385 |
University of Toronto | ON | Toronto | Universities | 9,286 |
Intact Financial Corp | ON | Toronto | Insurance | 11,314 |
Toronto City of | ON | Toronto | Municipal government | 22,983 |
Rogers Communications Inc | ON | Toronto | Telecommunications | 23,177 |
CIBC | ON | Toronto | Banking | 36,215 |
TD Bank Group | ON | Toronto | Banking | 43,273 |
RBC | ON | Toronto | Banking | 52,488 |
Ontario Public Service / OPS | ON | Toronto | Provincial government | 62,080 |
Canadian Tire Corp | ON | Toronto | Retail | 85,000 |
OpenText Corp | ON | Waterloo | Computer programming | 1,442 |
University of Waterloo | ON | Waterloo | Universities | 4,990 |
Sandoz Canada Inc | Que | Boucherville | Pharmaceutical manufacturing | 883 |
Canadian Heritage | Que | Gatineau | Culture and heritage | 1,742 |
Desjardins Group / Mouvement des caisses Desjardins | Que | Lévis | Credit union | 40,944 |
Nuance Communications Canada Inc | Que | Montreal | Software publishers | 740 |
Ivanhoé Cambridge Inc | Que | Montreal | Property management | 1,188 |
L’Oréal Canada Inc | Que | Montreal | Cosmetics manufacturing | 1,200 |
BDC / Business Development Bank of Canada | Que | Montreal | Secondary market financing | 2,076 |
Canadian National Railway Co | Que | Montreal | Railroad transportation | 15,074 |
Bell Canada | Que | Montreal | Communications | 38,671 |
Air Canada | Que | Saint-Laurent | Air transportation | 23,783 |
ISM Canada | SK | Regina | Computer programming | 796 |
Saskatchewan Government Insurance/ SGI | SK | Regina | Insurance | 1,882 |
Mosaic Co | SK | Regina | Fertilizer manufacturing | 2,263 |
Saskatchewan Research Council / SRC | SK | Saskatoon | Research and development | 344 |
Cameco Corp | SK | Saskatoon | Uranium mining | 3,040 |
Yukon Government of | Yukon | Whitehorse | Territorial government | 4,085 |
일단 지역별로 보면 역시나 온타리오가 최고입니다. 100개 중에 53개가 몰려 있으니, 50%가 넘네요... 특히나 토론토에만 26개가 몰려있네요.
역시나 말은 제주로, 사람은 서울로, 걸그룹 덕질은 러블리즈로... 라는 말이 여기서도 통용되는군요.
이 밖에 BC가 11, Quebec이 10, Alberta/Manitoba/SK 3형제가 20, NB/NL/NS 성도 똑같은 3형제가 5, 그리고 감자로 유명한 Yukon이 외롭게 1개 회사가 올라있네요.
대충 이름을 살펴보면... 5대 메이저 은행 중에서 TD, RBC, CIBC에 캐나다 중앙은행까지 올라가 있는 걸 보니 은행권이 일하기 좋은 것 같고...
Shaw, Telus, Rogers, Bell 등의 인터넷/셀폰 Provider도 고객들에게 돈 쪽쪽 뽑아서 지네들 직원 좋게좋게 일하는 데 보태고 있네요.
IT 쪽 회사를 보자면... HP, Verafin, Digital Extremes, Salesforce, Cisco, SAP, Ubisoft, OpenText, Nuance, ISM 등이 있는데, 몇몇 회사는 존재도 몰랐던 회사들이네요.
그 밖에 제 기준으로 많이 알려진 회사들을 보자면...
Shell 주유소, Mars 초콜렛 회사, Loblaw 슈퍼마켓, Toyota 자동차, 3M 포스트잇, IMAX 영화관, World Vision, GE 냉장고, Pepsi 콜라, Ford 자동차, Air Canada 비행기, 토론토.워터루 대학, 그리고 삼성 등이 있네요.
엥? 삼성? 재용아... 니가 왜 거기서 나와?
이것들은 지네 나라의 노동자들은 개돼지 취급하면서 여기서는 성인군자인 척 하나?
어이가 없어서 어떻게 뽑혔는 지 한번 선정사유를 보았습니다.
선정이유를 요약하자면... 얘네 사무실이 너무나 좋고, 여권신장에 기여했고, 발랜티어를 통해 커뮤니티에 기여했다는 점인 것 같은데... 웬지 내가 알고 있는 삼성과는 동떨어진 이야기 같아서 갸웃거리게 되네요.
자... 다음으로는 샐러리와 휴가 등의 베네핏 기준으로 다시 리스트를 정렬해 보았습니다.
Company | Starting Salary | Vacation | Other day-offs |
Cisco Systems Canada Co | $70K to $75K | 4 weeks | 5 personal days |
Proctor & Gamble Inc | $70K to $75K | 3 weeks | 3 personal days |
3M Canada Co | $65K to $70K | 3 weeks | 3 days off Christmas break |
SAP Canada Inc | $65K to $70K | 3 weeks | |
Cameco Corp | $65K to $70K | 3 weeks | 4 personal days + 3 Christmas break |
National Energy Board | $60K to $65K | 3 weeks | 6 personal days |
Agrium Inc | $60K to $65K | 3 weeks | 8 personal days |
West Fraser Timber Co | $60K to $65K | 2 weeks | |
Ceridian | $60K to $65K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Samsung Electronics Canada Inc | $60K to $65K | 3 weeks | 1 personal day |
BASF Canada Inc | $60K to $65K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | $60K to $65K | 3 weeks | 9 personal days |
Accenture Inc | $60K to $65K | 3 weeks | |
R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd. | $55K to $60K | 2 weeks | 5 personal days |
Telus Corp | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | 3 personal days |
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc | $55K to $60K | 2.5 weeks | |
EllisDon Corp | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | 1 Christmas break |
PepsiCo Canada | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | 6 personal days |
Bank of Canada | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Labatt Breweries of Canada | $55K to $60K | 2 weeks | |
CIBC | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | 3 personal days |
BDC / Business Development Bank of Canada | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | |
Bell Canada | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Yukon Government of | $55K to $60K | 3 weeks | 6 personal days |
Shaw Communications Inc | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | |
PCL Construction | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | |
Provincial Health Services Authority / PHSA | $50K to $55K | 4 weeks | 5 personal days |
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 4 personal days |
Bayer Inc | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days + 8 summer |
General Electric Canada / GE | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 5 personal days |
Export Development Canada | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days + 5 Christmas break |
Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days + 7 summer + 4 Christmas break |
Hospital for Sick Children | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Toronto City of | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Rogers Communications Inc | $50K to $55K | 2 weeks | 1 personal day |
Canadian Tire Corp | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 3 personal days + 1 summer + 1 Christmas break |
Canadian Heritage | $50K to $55K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Manitoba Hydro | $45K to $50K | 3 weeks | 6 personal days |
Cargill Ltd | $45K to $50K | 2 weeks | |
CBCL Ltd | $45K to $50K | 2 weeks | |
Stryker Canada Inc | $45K to $50K | 3 weeks | |
IMAX Corp | $45K to $50K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Siemens Canada Ltd | $45K to $50K | 3 weeks | 4 personal days |
Ubisoft Toronto | $45K to $50K | 2 weeks | 3 personal days + 4 Christmas break |
KPMG LLP | $45K to $50K | 3 weeks | 2 Christmas break |
Air Canada | $45K to $50K | 2 weeks | |
ISM Canada | $45K to $50K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
Graham Group | $40K to $45K | 3 weeks | 3 Christmas break |
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Inc | $40K to $45K | 3.6 weeks | 2 personal days |
Loblaw Cos Ltd | $40K to $45K | 3 weeks | |
Fidelity Canada | $40K to $45K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
University of Toronto | $40K to $45K | 3 weeks | 3 personal days + 5 Christmas break |
Intact Financial Corp | $40K to $45K | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
RBC | $40K to $45K | 3 weeks | 1 personal day |
Ontario Public Service / OPS | $40K to $45K | 3 weeks | |
Canadian National Railway Co | $40K to $45K | 2 weeks | |
Saskatchewan Research Council / SRC | $40K to $45K | 3.6 weeks | 15 personal days + 3 Christmas break |
BC Public Service | $35K to $40K | 3 weeks | |
Digital Extremes Ltd | $35K to $40K | 2 weeks | 8 personal days |
Toronto International Film Festival / TIFF | $35K to $40K | 2 weeks | |
Desjardins Group / Mouvement des caisses Desjardins | $35K to $40K | 3 weeks | 5 personal days |
Medavie Blue Cross | $30K to $35K | 2 weeks | 3 personal days |
Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd | $30K to $35K | 3 weeks | 3 personal days |
World Vision Canada | $25K to $30K | 3 weeks | 1 personal days |
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP | - | 3 weeks | 6 personal days + 1 Christmas break |
Enbridge Inc | - | 3 weeks | 12 personal days |
Shell Canada Ltd | - | 3 weeks | 15 personal days |
Simon Fraser University | - | 4 weeks | 3 Christmas break |
Nature’s Path Foods Inc | - | 3 weeks | |
College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC | - | 3 weeks | 3 personal days |
Raymond James Ltd | - | 3 weeks | |
Goldcorp Inc | - | 3 weeks | 3 personal days |
HP Advanced Solutions Inc | - | 3 weeks | |
National Leasing Group Inc | - | 3 weeks | 5 personal days |
Great-West Life Assurance Co | - | 2 weeks | 2 personal days |
University of New Brunswick / UNB | - | 3 weeks | 3 Christmas break |
Irving Oil | - | 3 weeks | |
Mars Inc | - | 3 weeks | 1 personal day |
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc | - | 3.8 weeks | 4 Christmas break |
Union Gas Ltd | - | 3 weeks | 6 personal days |
Hatch Ltd | - | 3 weeks | |
Ford Motor Co of Canada | - | 2 weeks | 4 personal days + 5 summer + 5 Christmas break |
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | - | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
NAV Canada | - | 3 weeks | |
Salesforce Canada Corp | - | 3 weeks | 4 personal days |
McCarthy Tétrault LLP | - | 3 weeks | 3 personal day |
Corus Entertainment Inc | - | 2 weeks | 4 personal days |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre | - | 3 weeks | 2 personal days |
TD Bank Group | - | 3 weeks | |
OpenText Corp | - | 3 weeks | 3 Christmas break |
University of Waterloo | - | 3 weeks | 1 personal days + 3 Christmas break |
Sandoz Canada Inc | - | 3 weeks | 1 personal days + 5 Christmas break |
Nuance Communications Canada Inc | - | 4 weeks | |
Ivanhoé Cambridge Inc | - | 3 weeks | 5 days TGIF and My Birthday |
L’Oréal Canada Inc | - | 3 weeks | 1 personal days + 4 Christmas break |
Saskatchewan Government Insurance/ SGI | - | 3 weeks | 1 personal day |
Mosaic Co | - | 3 weeks | |
Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc | - | 4 weeks | 12 personal days |
Verafin Inc | - | no-limit | 10 personal days |
Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto | - | 4 weeks | 10 personal days |
헉... 역시나 좋은 회사들이라서 그런지 초봉도 꽤 높습니다. 초봉이 7만에서 7만 5천이라니... 갑자기 난 지금까지 무슨 회사를 다녔나 자괴감이 듭니다.
대충 보니 IT 나 Manufacturing 회사들의 초봉이 많이 높네요. 확실히 캐나다에서는 기술이 먹혀주는 나라인 것 같습니다.
휴가들도 입이 헤~~ 벌어질 정도로 좋은 회사들이 많네요. 평균적으로는 3주 휴가가 제일 많은 것 같고 여기에 3~5 일의 개인용무의 Day off까지... 약 1달의 휴가가 제일 보편적이네요.
어떤 회사들은 휴가와는 별도로 여름에 따로 쉬는 날도 있고, 크리스마스부터 신년까지 아예 회사 문을 닫는 곳도 있고... 캬... 부럽네요. 역시나 Top 100 할 만하네요.
리스트를 쭉 보니 눈이 번쩍 뜨일 조건도 하나 있습니다. 휴가가 no-limit입니다. 아니... 이게 말이 되는 조건인감?
신입으로 들어가서 하루 일하고, '저 내일부터 은퇴때까지 휴가 좀 쓰겠습니다.' 이렇게 해도 된다 말인감? 허... 신기할 노릇이고...
우리나라에서는 아마 야근, 특근 no-limit 의 조건일 텐데요...
그래서 한번 그 회사 선정기준을 들어가 보았습니다.
죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.