루이스 CK 라고 코미디언 있는데 이거 재밌네요.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6p_aESYqtg I never understood people judging people for the way the have sex. Some people get angry at homosexuals just for being gay, they get mad at them grrr.
난 다른사람들이 성관계 가지는 방법에 대해서 뭐라하는거 이해 못해요. 사람들이 동성애자란 이유만으로 화를 내요.
I never really understood that, you know like, because they're just having sex with each other.
난 이거 진짜 이해 안가요, 그사람들은 자기들끼리만 하는건데.
Like I can understand if gay people were just running out on the streets just fucking people in the ass willy nilly just like a pestilence like without asking, you know.
만약 게이들이 길에서 뛰어다니면서 사람들 똥꼬에 물어보지도 않고 박는다면 또 모를까. 무슨 전염병처럼.
Like you're at the ATM, "HEY! what the fuck, Jesus. God damnit, some faggot just fucked me right in the ass seriously. Fucking right through my pants, he fucking ruined my new pants.
예를들어 돈 빼고 있는데 "야! 씨발 뭐야, 예수님 하느님 젠장, 어떤 게이새끼가 내 똥꼬에 박았어. 내 바지 뚫고. 내 새 바지 망쳤어.
It's fucking bullshit. Another one god damnit, I gotta get the fuck home, this is ridiculous."
말도 안되. 한명더! 젠장, 씨발 빨리 집에 가야겟어, 말도 안되"
But they generally don't do that so I don't know what the fucking problem is. People get mad.
하지만 그들은 대개 그렇게 하지 않아요. 그래서 왜 문제가되는지 모르겟어요. 사람들이 화를내요.
"Don't get married." Well you don't have to go to the wedding, what the fuck, you don't have to buy them anything. It doesn't matter.
"결혼하지마" 라고하는데, 너는 결혼식 안와도되, 선물 안사줘도되고, 상관없잖아.
Some people go "well then a guy will marry his dog." Good, I hope he blows his dog. Who gives a shit? It doesn't matter. It doesn't have any effect on your life. What the fuck do you care?
어떤사람들은 "그럼 남자가 강아지랑 결혼할꺼" 라고 말하는데 좋아, 강아지 빨라주면 좋겟네. 무슨 상관이야? 당신 인생에 아무런 피해도 안주는데, 왜 상관해요?
Or people that try to go like it's a social issue. Like when you see someone stand up in a talk show and say like "how am I supposed to explain to my child that two men are getting married?"
아니면 어떤 사람들은 사홰적 문제인것처럼 말하죠. 토크쇼에 나와서 "남자끼리 결혼한다고 어떻게 우리애한테 설명해야되죠?" 이러고.
I don't know, it's your shitty kid, you fuckig tell him. Why is that anyone else's problem?
난 몰라, 당신 똥같은 앤데, 당신이 말해. 그게 다른사람이랑 무슨 상관이지?
Two guys are in love but they can't get married because you don't wanna talk to your ugly child for fucking five minutes?
남자 두명이 사랑에 빠졌는데, 당신이 못생긴 애한테 5분간 말하기 싫어서 결혼하면 안되요?
Who fucking cares about your shitty kid, he's probably a faggot anyway.
당신 애 누가 신경써줘요, 걔는 어차피 아마 호모일텐데.
흠 욕이 좀 많네요.
그래도 애써서 해석한걸 봐서라도 추천좀 ㅋㅋ
아 그리고 게이분들 차별하지 맙시다.