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으앙 포니게가 생겼다! 만만세!!
초짜라 별로 조공할건 없고. 핑키파이 smile song 이 없는거 같으니 하나 올리겠습니다.
다운로드 링크
My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!)
and I am here to say (How ya doin'?)
I'm gonna make you smile
and I will brighten up your day
It doesn't matter now (What's up?)
if you are sad or blue (Howdy!)
'cause cheering up my friends is just
what Pinkie's here to do
'Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile (Yes I do)
it fills my heart with sunshine all the while (Yes it does)
'cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile
from these happy friends of mine
I like to see you grin (Awesome!)
I love to see you beam (Rock on!)
the corners of your mouth turned up
is always Pinkie's dream (Hoof-Bump!)
But if you're kind of worried
and your face has made a frown
I'll work real hard and do my best
to turn that sad frown upside down
'Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin (Yes I do)
busted out from ear to ear, let it begin
just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin
and you fill me with good cheer
It's true, some days are dark and lonely
and maybe you feel sad
but Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad
There's one thing that makes me happy
and makes my whole life worthwhile
and that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile
I really am so happy
your smile fills me with glee
I give a smile, I get a smile
and that's so special to me
'Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beam (Yes I do)
tell me, what more can I say to make you see that I do?
it makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam
yes, it always makes my day
Come on everypony smile, smile, smile!
fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine
all I really need's a smile, smile, smile
from these happy friends of mine!
Come on everypony smile, smile, smile!
fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine
all I really need's a smile, smile, smile
from these happy friends of mine!
Yes a perfect gift for me
is a smile as wide as a mile
to make me happy as can be
smile, smile, smile, smile, smile!
Come on and smile!
come on and smile!
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