조선중앙통신에서 노무현대통령은 left-leaning하다고 이야기한것 같은데.....
제 영어가 확실하지 안네요... 영어 잘하는 노빠분들께서 번역을 해주시면 좋겠습니다....
설마... 로이터가 KBS나 MBC처럼 지나가던 개가 노통이 left-leaning되었다고 짖은걸
조선중앙통신이 말했다고 한것이길 바랍니다...
그럼, 로이터 개**라고 한마디 해주죠...
그럼.. 영어 잘하시고 딴지일보의 냉철한 논리를 좋아하시는 노빠분께서 한번 아래
기사를 번역해서 올리신다면 좋겠네요...
그리고 한가지 더... left-leaning이 뭐 위험하냐고 하신다면... 지금 쏘련도, 중국도
그리고 쿠바도 right-leaning했습니다. left해보니 모두 못사니까 할수 없이
그런데.. 좀 웃기는건... 그렇게 부패청산을 외치면서 받을건 다 처먹은 노무현대통령을
left-leaning하다고 이야기하는 중앙통신은 무슨 생각으로 그렇게 이야기했을까요????
자기들이 left인데.. 못받아서 그렇지(?) 받을건 다 처먹은 사람을 자기에게 편향되었다고
하는 이유를 도저히 모르겠네요... 역시 정권을 갖는 부류와 그것을 당하는 국민.. 혹은
인민은 틀리다는 이야기인가오?
하여튼.. 노빠님들의 제대로된 번역을 기대합니다.
조중동처럼 짜집고 편집한것도 아니고... KBS인지 MBC인지 한 문장을 반으로 뚝 짤라서
이야기한것도 아니니... 영어 잘하시는 노빠님께서는 뭔가 멋진 해석을 할수도 있겠죠...
단... 아마 로이터나 워싱턴포스트가 미국계이니까 이런 "말도 안되는 기사가 나온다."라고
말씀하시는 분들이 많을것이다에 올인합니다....
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A142-2004Mar17.html North Korea Says U.S. Engineered Roh Impeachment
Wednesday, March 17, 2004; 1:56 AM
SEOUL (Reuters) - The United States instigated the impeachment of South Korean
President Roh Moo-hyun to bring to power a pro-U.S. government, North Korea said
Wednesday in its first detailed commentary on the political row.
The communist North's official KCNA news agency said the opposition-led parliamentary
ballot to impeach the left-leaning Roh last Friday was 'unprecedented political
gangsterism' resembling a military coup and had embarrassed all Koreans.
공산주의 북한의 관영 조선중앙통신은 야당이 지배하는 국회가 좌경화된 노대통령을 지난
금요일날 탄핵투표한 것은 군사 쿠데타와 같은 '전례없는 정치적 폭력주의'이며 모든
한국인들을 당혹케하였다고 이야기했다.
'The U.S. is chiefly to blame for the incident,' KCNA said.
'The U.S. egged the South Korean political quacks, obsessed by the greed for power, on
to stage such incident in a bid to install an ultra-right pro-U.S. regime there,' it
The commentary echoed and built on remarks Sunday by a spokesman for the Committee for
the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, the North Korean body that oversees ties
with the South. That spokesman said Washington had plotted the impeachment but he did
not elaborate.
South Korea, run by Prime Minister Goh Kun as acting president while the Constitutional
Court decides whether to uphold the impeachment vote, has rebuffed North Korean
attempts to link the dispute to bilateral issues.
South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon said Monday Seoul would question the North's
sincerity if it slow-pedalled talks aimed at trying to eliminate North Korea's illicit
nuclear arms programs because of the vote.
In the first fallout for North-South Korean ties, Seoul canceled bilateral economic
talks planned for Monday after Pyongyang asked for a venue switch to the North because of the political uncertainty.
Goh, a 66-year-old bureaucrat, has urged military forces facing the communist North to
be vigilant.
Wednesday's KCNA commentary appeared likely to ruffle feathers further in South Korea.
'This chaos has pushed the political situation of South Korea to an unpredictable
phase, betraying the backwardness of its politics before the world,' said KCNA.
South Korea established a robust if volatile democracy in the late 1980s after decades
of army rule and has built Asia's fourth-biggest economy.
In contrast, North Korea has been ruled by one family since its Soviet-sponsored
foundation in 1948, has never held competitive elections. In the mid-1990s, a famine
caused an estimated one million to three million deaths in the North.