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  • 게시물ID : overseabuy_2290
    작성자 : 무상0707
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 816
    IP : 118.37.***.115
    댓글 : 2개
    등록시간 : 2015/07/19 03:16:37
    http://todayhumor.com/?overseabuy_2290 모바일
    아마존 라이브채팅 잘 이해가 안되서요 ㅠㅠ
    <div>10:20 AM PDT 무상0707: hello<br>10:20 AM PDT Gilbert(Amazon): Hello, my name is Gilbert. I'm here to help you today.<br>10:20 AM PDT 무상0707: How inde goods ordered is defective<br>10:20 AM PDT Gilbert: I am sorry that your item is not working properly. <br>No worries I'll be more than happy to assist you with your concern.</div> <div>To assist you better, may I have the order number please?</div> <div>10:20 AM PDT 무상0707: 106-7874377-6652231 <br>10:21 AM PDT Gilbert: Thank you. <br>Let me go ahead and check what I can do to help.</div> <div>May I know how is it defective? <br>10:21 AM PDT 무상0707: I do not like bad sectors<br>Read speed is not an issue<br>but<br>The write speed is an issue<br>10:22 AM PDT 무상0707: Attached haedeurim photo?<br>Write speed 2mb<br>10:22 AM PDT Gilbert: Thank you for confirming. <br>10:22 AM PDT 무상0707: Normal is about 100mb<br>10:22 AM PDT Gilbert: In that case, here's what I can do to help. <br>10:22 AM PDT 무상0707: Read inde normal writing speed is ridiculous<br>10:23 AM PDT Gilbert: I can go ahead and process a replacement and you may return the item or, you just want to return the item for a full refund, which one do you prefer? <br>10:23 AM PDT 무상0707: How long will it take if the exchange ?<br>10:24 AM PDT Gilbert: Do you want me to process the replacement now to check the delivery date? <br>10:24 AM PDT 무상0707: Have you ever test can be sent by normal product?<br>10:25 AM PDT 무상0707: Getting back the defective products is sad<br>10:25 AM PDT Gilbert: I do understand, or if you want, I can issue a partial refund and you may keep the item , will that work for you? <br>10:26 AM PDT 무상0707: What I want to replace it with a normal product<br>10:27 AM PDT 무상0707: What should I do<br>10:28 AM PDT Gilbert: If I will replace the item it will be the same item, but if you want to order a different model of the item, you may re order it and I you may return the item for a full refund and we will refund your return shipping fee as well. <br>10:29 AM PDT 무상0707: i will be the same item<br>Should I now have that thing where you send<br>10:30 AM PDT Gilbert: Just to verify, you want the same item tat you've ordered? <br>10:31 AM PDT 무상0707: yes<br>I'm sorry I did not get to speak English well<br>Thanks to suffer<br>10:32 AM PDT Gilbert: Not a problem. <br>10:33 AM PDT Gilbert: In that case let me send you another new item and you may return the defective item and we will return your return shipping fee back to your account. <br>Will that be okay to you? <br>10:34 AM PDT 무상0707: you mean -> I pay the shipping costs again<br>right?<br>10:34 AM PDT Gilbert: Yes, since the address is international you need to pay the shipping cost first and we will return that to you.<br>10:35 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:35 AM PDT Gilbert: Great! <br>Let me process the replacement now. <br>10:36 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:38 AM PDT 무상0707: The return address of defective products<br>10:39 AM PDT Gilbert: Yes, I will get it. <br>10:39 AM PDT 무상0707: Where shipping companies<br>EMS? <br>10:39 AM PDT Gilbert: Amazon.com Return Address<br>RETURNS CENTER - AMAZON.COM <br>172 Trade Street<br>Lexington, KY 40511<br>USA.<br>10:41 AM PDT Gilbert: By the way, I've tried to replace the item and I ma having an error, and in that case, you an go ahead and place a new order and for sold or fulfilled y Amazon item and we will upgrade your shipping for free. </div> <div>Will that work for you? <br>10:42 AM PDT 무상0707: I should have but I did not understand English<br>sorry<br>10:42 AM PDT Gilbert: Sure, I mean. <br>10:43 AM PDT Gilbert: I cannot process the replacement there is an error on my computer, if you want, you may place a new order and I will give you free upgraded shipping for your new order that you will place. <br>10:43 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:43 AM PDT Gilbert: Alright. <br>10:43 AM PDT 무상0707: Buy again<br>= you mean<br>10:44 AM PDT 무상0707: right?<br>10:44 AM PDT Gilbert: Yes, that is correct. <br>10:44 AM PDT 무상0707: okay! <br>10:44 AM PDT Gilbert: Great! <br>Just return the item and we will refund your return shipping fee. <br>10:44 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:45 AM PDT Gilbert: Alright, you will place the order now? <br>10:45 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:45 AM PDT Gilbert: Please select sold by Amazon item.<br>Try this link:<br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OP2PKH2" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OP2PKH2</a><br>10:46 AM PDT Gilbert: I mean this item:<br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER</a><br>Select the second link. <br>10:46 AM PDT 무상0707: i will try<br>10:47 AM PDT 무상0707: wait okay<br>10:47 AM PDT Gilbert: Sure, for the second link okay.<br>For this link:<br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER</a><br>10:47 AM PDT 무상0707: Important Message<br>There was a problem with some of the items in your order (see below for more information):<br>Toshiba 5TB SATA 6Gb/s 7200rpm, 128MB Cache, 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive (PH3500U-1I72)<br>Sorry, this item can't be shipped to your selected address. Learn more. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order. You can also see if this item is available to ship to your address from another seller. <br>10:48 AM PDT Gilbert: Try this link:<br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER</a><br>10:49 AM PDT 무상0707: um..error<br>Not orders<br>10:50 AM PDT Gilbert: What d you mean? <br>10:50 AM PDT 무상0707: Sorry, this item can't be shipped to your selected address. Learn more. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order. You can also see if this item is available to ship to your address from another seller. <br>= error Message<br>10:50 AM PDT Gilbert: May I know what item you are trying to place? <br>10:52 AM PDT 무상0707: Anything in stock ??<br>10:52 AM PDT Gilbert: You may try to select 4TB.<br>10:52 AM PDT 무상0707: That link should not the international shipping sellers<br>10:53 AM PDT Gilbert: You may try to order the 4TB.<br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OP2PKHW/ref=ox_sc_imb_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER</a><br>10:53 AM PDT 무상0707: ah<br>4TB select?<br>10:53 AM PDT Gilbert: Yes, since that item was sold by Amazon. <br>10:54 AM PDT Gilbert: Will that be okay? <br>10:54 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:54 AM PDT Gilbert: Cool.<br>You may try to place it now. <br>10:55 AM PDT 무상0707: 5TB -> 4TB<br>Are you going to change things ?<br>10:57 AM PDT Gilbert: I am sorry, no you will be receiving the 4TB or if you want, since the 5TB is no longer available through Amazon, you may return the item for a refund and once we have the item in stock through Amazon I will email you. <br>And we will upgrade your shipping for free that time. <br>Will that be okay with you? <br>10:58 AM PDT 무상0707: sorry..<br>i don't undersand<br>to long chat bb<br>10:58 AM PDT Gilbert: I mean, I will email you once the item 5TB will be available for sold by Amazon and you will place a new order.<br>10:58 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:59 AM PDT Gilbert: And once you will place a new order we will give you free shipping. <br>Okay? <br>10:59 AM PDT 무상0707: okay<br>10:59 AM PDT Gilbert: Alright. <br>10:59 AM PDT 무상0707: I'm really sorry I did not get English<br>You 'll be hard<br>thank you<br>11:00 AM PDT Gilbert: It's fine, and you're welcome. :)<br>For now, Is there anything else I can help you with today?</div> <div> </div> <div>제가 보기엔 ..해석하면</div> <div>도시바 5TB 하드디스크 구매</div> <div>배드섹터 없고 , 읽기속도 정상</div> <div>하지만 쓰기속도가 2MB 내 외로 나오는 문제가 있음 (기존 하드 다른 하드 다 문제 없음) 이것만..</div> <div>그래서 문의를 하였는데 교환할지 환불할지 물어보는거 같습니다.</div> <div>저는 환불보다는 교환을 희망하는데 결과적으로 5TB 재고가 없어서 4TB로 바꿔준다 이러는거 같음</div> <div>일단 4TB로 주문은 넣은 상태인데.. 이걸 기다렸다가 5TB로 보내준다는건지 4TB 보내준다는건지</div> <div>아니면 어떤건지 잘 이해가 안되서요</div> <div>기존제품은 제가 알아서 보내면 제가 받은 제품 -> 아마존으로 반송비는 환불 따로 해준다 이거 같은데..</div> <div>도움이 필요합니다 ㅠㅠ</div>

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