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내가 올린 영어전문:
Hi, I am John (my english name). Originally, I am from South Korea and now I live in Australia,
Sydney. (I live in here very long time, but i am still uncomfortable to read and write in English.)
Eventhough I read and watching English TV programs everyday. I still can not do as native speakers.
I am attending an university, and I know it might be sounds ridiculous, but I am so dislike
myself, cuz always think about me to born in English native speaking countries.
I really do wish to be an Australian, New Zealander, American, Canadian and British,, or
I could be South African man,, if I can speak English...
If any readers who was born and growing up in English countries(doesn't matter race at all).
You need to thanks to your parents and ancestors. Your life must be get easy to going than someone
who was born un-English speaking countries. English is now international language in the world,,
the language is so important and any languages can not be compete with English..
If I was born in English country,, I know my life would be a lot more easier to live than now.
And unfortunately, the people in English countries don't like Asian guy at all.. I only see they interest
in Asian GIRLS.. I think I don't have any opportunity to communicate with native speakers..
I know my writing is really bad, please understand me. I am not good at English..
I don't know what to do.. and I am crazy about Hollywood movies and books were written by English.
Please correct me if I make any mistakes in this writing. Thanks to read my regretting life essay.
In peace, 욕쟁이훈남 (오늘의 유머 웹사이트) 한국의 영어공용화를 꿈꾸며..
나도 내 영어 좆같은 줄 안다.. 정말 영어가 모국어가 아닌게 후회되는 때가 한둘이 아니다.
영어가 모국어였단 봐라.. 모든것이 그래도 이지하게 풀려갈것이다.. 영어만 모국어로 삼을 수 있다면 정말
전에 말했듯이 영어쓰는 국가에서 태어나고 싶다.
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