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  • 게시물ID : travel_20846
    작성자 : 수다쟁이쭌
    추천 : 1
    조회수 : 350
    IP : 1.210.***.134
    댓글 : 1개
    등록시간 : 2016/10/23 19:15:39
    http://todayhumor.com/?travel_20846 모바일
    [여행영상] 40초 만에 떠나는 바르셀로나 (하이퍼랩스 대박)
    • 창작글
    <div><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4ilLbICWR1A" frameborder="0"></iframe><br></div> <div><br></div> <div> <p style="margin:0px 0px 6px;font-family:'San Francisco', '-apple-system', BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;color:#1d2129;font-size:14px;letter-spacing:-.23999999463558197px;">하이퍼랩스 인 바르셀로나 (Hyperlapse in Barcelona)<br>[부제 : 40초 만에 바르셀로나로 여행 떠나기]</p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 6px;font-family:'San Francisco', '-apple-system', BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;color:#1d2129;font-size:14px;letter-spacing:-.23999999463558197px;"><br></p> <p style="margin:6px 0px;font-family:'San Francisco', '-apple-system', BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;color:#1d2129;font-size:14px;letter-spacing:-.23999999463558197px;">하이퍼랩스로 작업한 바르셀로나 여행 영상입니다. 비상업용 영상 프로젝트입니다. 40초 만에 바르셀로나를 즐길 수 있습니다. 재미있게 감상하세요 ^^</p> <p style="margin:6px 0px;font-family:'San Francisco', '-apple-system', BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;color:#1d2129;font-size:14px;letter-spacing:-.23999999463558197px;">Hyperlapse in Barcelona. My personal travel video project. You will be able to experience barcelona in 40 seconds. I hope you enjoyed watching.<br><br></p> <div class="text_exposed_show" style="display:inline;font-family:'San Francisco', '-apple-system', BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;color:#1d2129;font-size:14px;letter-spacing:-.23999999463558197px;"> <p style="margin:0px 0px 6px;font-family:inherit;">Music by Paco de Lucia<br>Directed by Junhui Mun</p> <p style="margin:6px 0px;font-family:inherit;"><br></p> <p style="margin:6px 0px;font-family:inherit;"><span class="_5afx" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;"><a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/%EB%B0%94%EB%A5%B4%EC%85%80%EB%A1%9C%EB%82%98?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;">바르셀로나</span></a></span> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/%EC%97%AC%ED%96%89?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">여행</span></span></a> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/%EC%98%81%EC%83%81?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">영상</span></span></a> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/%ED%95%98%EC%9D%B4%ED%8D%BC%EB%9E%A9%EC%8A%A4?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">하이퍼랩스</span></span></a> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/%EC%8A%A4%ED%8E%98%EC%9D%B8?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">스페인</span></span></a><br><a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/barcelona?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">barcelona</span></span></a> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/travel?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">travel</span></span></a> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/video?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">video</span></span></a> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/hyperlapse?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">hyperlapse</span></span></a> <a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/spain?source=feed_text&story_id=615177345319833" style="color:#365899;text-decoration:none;font-family:inherit;" target="_blank"><span class="_5afx" style="font-family:inherit;"><span class="_58cl _5afz" style="color:#4267b2;font-family:inherit;">#</span><span class="_58cm" style="font-family:inherit;">spain</span></span></a></p></div></div>
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