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토마토 얘기는 궁금해서
서치 해보니
첨엔 독이 있다고 믿은게
nightshade과에 들어가는 열매? 이고
그런 열매중에 독이 있는게 있어서 그랬다고 하네요.
관상용으로만 키우다
유럽 이민자들 특히 이탈리아인 많이 해 먹기 시작하며
평판이 바꼈다고 합니다.
토마스 제퍼슨 얘긴 안나오네요.
Initial Skepticism: In the early days of tomato cultivation in the U.S., the fruit faced skepticism and even hostility. Many people believed that tomatoes were poisonous or unfit for consumption. This misconception arose because tomatoes belong to the nightshade family, which includes some poisonous plants. As a result, tomatoes were initially grown as ornamental plants rather than for food.
Culinary Acceptance: The acceptance of tomatoes as a culinary ingredient in the United States took time. It wasn't until the 19th century that they gained popularity as a food item. Immigrants from Southern Europe, particularly Italians, played a significant role in introducing tomatoes into American cuisine. They used tomatoes in their traditional dishes, such as pasta sauces and pizzas, which gradually helped change public perception.
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