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- 55 -
Scoot: Eight... Hours... Blocked up here for... Eight. Hours.
Sweetie: I... I can't take it... anymore...
Scoot: Shut up. Just shut. Up.
Sweetie: I... I guess I should just stop complaining and... answer some questions...
Q: If you need to go so badly just go over the edge. Nopony will judge you.
Sweetie: W... What...?
Q1: You know Sweetie Belle, if there isn't anyone down there you could just 'let all flow'
Q2: Sweetie Belle just pee off the ladge don't worry we won't look.
Sweetie: No, no, no, noh! It's too embarrassing! I can't do such a thing!
Q: Open the floodgates!
Sweetie: I... I... I...
Sweetie: Hnnn...
Scoot: It's moving again! Finally!
- 56 -
Q1: Oh the cruel cruel irony. If only you had waited. Maybe now your friends should call you Sweet Pee.
Q2: i feel bad for anyone who's gonna sit on that place...
Q3: i feel sorry for anyone who has to clean that up...
Q4: That's disgusting Sweetie Belle, what would Rarity say?
- 57 -
Scoot: I can't believe you peed yourself... That's just... Weird.
Sweetie: ... I'm sorry...
Scoot: Oh, c'mon! There’s nothing to worry about it!
AB: Yeah, ya received lots of virtual hugs an' kind words from our followers an' anonymous ponies!
AB: We still love ya!
Scoot: Of course! Just like a sister!
Sweetie: Thanks girls... I love you too.
AB: So where are we going again?
Scoot: To the hotel. And we gotta hurry since the sun is setting.
Scoot: Let's take this shortcut!
AB: ...Are ya sure that's a shortcut?
Scoot: Why, what else could it be?
AB: Couldn't it be… I don' know... A longcut?
Scoot: Don't be silly! The map says it's a shortcut! I'm hungry and I want to reach the hotel right now!
AB: We ALL are hungry, Scoot...
Scoot: See? Then what's the problem?
AB: Nevermin'...
AB: Lemme see that map, Scoot.
Scoot: No way! I'm the leader and the leader has the map!
AB: ...You're what?
Scoot: Here, take a look.
Sweetie: Girls... Am I the only one who feels like we're being watched...?
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