최근에 이메일로 이런 메일을 한통 받았어요.
I wish you the best of the season.
Moreover, I am in search of a missing client (Mr.Choi) who is traceable to your family clan, because I carried out his ancestors search on line and traced his family tree, and the ancestors search result matched with your family and that is why i am contacting you now. He is a contractor and successfully conducted and completed Togo Road Construction contract in the year 1998. And he is also an international investor in solid minerals such as precious stones, Diamonds, mercury, gold bars, gold dust, and he also deals on Oil and gas etc. He went missing since his business trip to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday 7th July 2004. But now, there is an urgent need of him or any of his relative because his bank here wants him or his relative to run re-activation process of his bank account with the balance of €22.788Million Euros which became dormant after this past eight years the account has not been operated by him. Also a family treasure safe keeping security company here in the name of GSE that he deposited six trunk boxes of Gold Bars and Gold Dust as family treasure and classified bond on 29th December 2003 seeks for him as well. Kindly get back to me so that I will give you his full details to enable you give me any info or link about him that you can possibly provide, and you will be highly rewarded for your time and any help you can offer.
내용을 대충 읽어보면 저한테 어느 분께서 남긴 재산(?)이 있고, 이 재산은 제 조상일지도 모르는 한 어르신 분이 토고라는 나라에서 벌인 사업의 결과물이라고 하네요.
근데 제 조상이신 분은 2004년 7월 경 사우디 아라비아에서 실종이 되었다고 합니다.
그리고 이분께서 보유하고 있는 돈은 자그마치 약 228억 유로 정도 된다고 하고 이 돈의 주인을 찾기 위해 그분의 후손을 찾고 있고 어느날 갑자기 제게 이런 내용의 이메일 한통이 전송되었습니다.
처음에 이메일을 받았을때는 요즘 신종사기구나 하고 생각을 했고 심심하기도 해서 대충 답장으로 '흥미로운 내용이다. 하지만 우리 조상중에는 그런 사람이 없어. 미안해'라는 내용을 보내주었습니다.
그랬더니 오늘 이런 답장이 또 와있더군요.
근데 여기서부터 내용의 압박이....ㅡ,.ㅡ;;;
Thank you for your earlier reply and good understanding. Your reply encouraged me a lot to know that there is still a great hope for obtaining this fund from the bank.
You are a positivist to be able to consider giving this a try and i assure you that you will never regret it; rather you will surely be proud of yourself for making this decision and taking this first step to work together with me as to recover this Mr. Choi estate proceeds. Believe me this is one of the best decision you have ever made in this life time.
Moreover, he operated Global Minerals Consultant Agency (GMCA) here in Africa that markets these natural resources Worldwide. Although you may be his family member or not, but if you can see; It is obvious that any body, office or authority will consider you as his family member knowing that you have the same nationality and the same family clan with the proof of the truth that you are either related to him by birth or nationality, and this is the main reason why I contacted you, because in this case your identity is all that counts. There is no doubt that you are a honest person with genuine integrity, but you are seriously needed here to secure this fund and gold for good. This is because if you fail to intervene with my legal support to reactivate this account and claim the balance, the account will be closed and the balance (proceeds) will be inherited by the bank and Government officials. I am saying this because I am convinced that Mr. Choi was deliberately murdered in Saudi Arabia during that business trip and the murderer (s) left no trace to his dead body. This is because I traveled and spent six months in Saudi Arabia searching for Mr. Choi and there was no record of him everywhere there even in their prisons. I came back last few years and have used so many expensive network medias to search for this man and I have invested a lot of money already for all these researches world wide, until I heard about family tree search engine in CNN news and decided to Download and search for his family members (Ancestors) in your country with his surname and that is where I saw you and contacted you. Believe me; your letter encouraged me a lot to believe once again that all hopes are not gone in securing this fund for good. I vow to you in the name and blood of Mr. Choi that this is true and if it was a lie, I would not be spending my precious time writing this letters.
I have invested a lot into this matter and I won't live to watch the bank or the government officials inherit this money. To me, it's painful, unbearable and hearts breaking to imagine that for a minute after all I have invested to recover my client estate proceeds. I was perplexed and confused, but immediately I read your letter, I came to the knowledge that it’s over with fear and I am encouraged now than ever. My greatest joy today is that with you and I together, the bank will no longer have the chances to inherit the fund or forward the fund to the Government Treasury Department as unclaimed fund.
Therefore, it does no longer matter to me if you are closely related to Mr. Choi or not, because to me what matters now is to try to stop the bank from paying this fund to the government treasury as unclaimed bills (Abandoned fund), since i have tried everything possible to have Mr. Choi or his close relative re-activate this account and claim the proceeds, and it was proved impossible to get connected to him or his close relative, i now hereby choose you for the reactivation of the account and claim of the proceeds for the both of our good and benefit. This is a huge amount we have to recover together and your identity as Choi has made it all legally valid.
Therefore, My main objectives of contacting you back to give you this information about Mr. Choi and his account balance with BRS Bank Togo, is to join with you and claim this money, so that i will be able to cover all my expenses so far and also benefit from it. This is because if we keep silent over this matter, the fund will be paid to the Government as an unclaimed fund. I think it will be very much good that you and i join together and claim this money... I have contacted you because you are legally proven to be the right person for this claim as an Choi and i will certify all legal coverage documents in your name, stating you as the original heir to Mr. Choi and have you introduced to the bank for the re-activation of the account and claim of the account balance. I have sent you this letter because I know within me that nothing ventured is anything gained. To accomplish a goal is to step out for it because no body knows how well and blessing an opportunity worth until the person gives it a try. There is no such reality as something for nothing hence i have given in myself to this to ensure that this account proceeds will never be paid to the Government as an unclaimed fund but will surely be paid to someone where i will benefit from it.
This is a beneficial opportunity for us, and there is no risk involved at all in my plans. I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is delay because the bank have concluded paying this fund to the Government as an unclaimed proceeds as this account has been dormant for more than seven years now. This can occur at any time and that is why i am looking for any reliable Choi family member for this claim and benefit of this account balance with me since the depositor has been missing for years now without any trace at all.
Reply me as soon as possible so that I will reveal the plans to you for the effectiveness of this claim.
내용은 이렇게 있구요. 좀더 디테일한 내용이 포함되어 있습니다.
내용의 주는 니가 Mr.Choi의 후손이던 아니던 상관없다는 내용인거 같습니다.
신종사기라고 하기엔 너무 성의 있는 내용일 뿐더러 본문에도 자신이 거짓말 한 번 치려고 이런 귀찮은 일을 하는게 아니라고 강조하고 있네요.
무튼 답장을 받고 난 후 저는 메일을 보낸 Anthony Alfred Benin이라는 사람의 정체가 궁금했고 저 내용에 있는 주소로 찾아가보니 법쪽에 관련한 일을 하고 있는 사람이라고 생각되네요.
근데 아프리카에서 그런 스펙타클한 일을 벌인 사람이 과연 있을까라는 생각도 들고, 사기라고 하기엔 아직 믿고 싶은(?) 부분도 없지 않아 있어서 여러분들의 의견을 들어보고 싶어서 글 올립니다.
의심스러운 부분들, 새로 발견된 부분들 등등 많은 정보와 충고 부탁드립니다.
더불어 본문에 제가 놓치고 있는 부분들을 알아채신 분들도 의견 남겨주시면 좋겠어요.
여러분의 킬링 타임에 소소한 재미가 되었으면 하는 바람입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ