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  • 게시물ID : diablo3_181061
    작성자 : 카푸75
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 1220
    IP : 121.55.***.123
    댓글 : 7개
    등록시간 : 2015/03/21 11:34:08
    http://todayhumor.com/?diablo3_181061 모바일
    시즌2 종료 발표되었습니다.


    Season 2 Ending Soon

    The time draws near, nephalem. New heroes have come and gone, Conquests have been conquered, Greater Rift levels have been crushed, and Leaderboards have been filled to the brim.

    If you haven't experienced the end of Season, there's a lot to know about what happens to your gear, progress, and characters. Don't fret! We're here to give you a full overview of what to expect and fill you in on the details of when the current Season will end and the next one will begin.

    Table of Contents:

    The Season Rollover:

    Seasonal players know there has been no shortage of gold, gear, or Paragon levels to grind. So what happens to all that hard earned progress when a Season ends? In short, you get to keep just about all of it.

    Here's a list of all the rewards from this Season you can expect your non-Seasonal heroes to enjoy:

    • Heroes
      • Seasonal heroes will be converted to either non-Seasonal Normal or Hardcore mode heroes, as appropriate. There's no need to delete any characters to make room for them; your Seasonal heroes will continue to use the same slot they currently occupy in your roster after the rollover.
    • Gold
      • Any gold you earn during the Season will transfer to your non-Seasonal heroes.
    • Paragon Experience
      • The total amount of Paragon experience earned is the amount that rolls over, not your raw total amount of Paragon levels gained.
      • For example, if your Seasonal heroes reached Paragon 300, but your current non-Seasonal heroes are already Paragon 400, your new non-Seasonal Paragon level will still be less than Paragon 700 since higher Paragon levels take more experience to earn.
    • Blood Shards
      • Similar to gold, any Blood Shards you have available at the end of the Season will transfer to your non-Seasonal heroes.
      • If your non-Seasonal heroes are currently at the Blood Shard cap, any Blood Shards you earn once the Season ends will temporarily ignore the cap. You can spend these at your leisure; however, note that you cannot pick up any additional Blood Shards untill you are below the current cap.
    • Items
      • Items that are currently equipped on a hero or that hero's inventory will stay on that hero as it moves to a non-Seasonal game mode.
      • Items that are in your Seasonal stash will be sent through the in-game mail system to your non-Seasonal heroes. These items can be claimed by any non-Seasonal hero for up to 30 days from the time you first log in after the Season ends.  To access these items, enter a game and hit the Mail icon located in the lower-left corner of your screen to open up your inbox. 
    • Artisan Progress and Recipes
      • If your Seasonal Artisans are a higher level than your non-Seasonal Artisans at the end of the Season, their level will transfer to your non-Seasonal Artisans.
      • Any recipes you have on your Seasonal Artisans that are not available to your non-Seasonal Artisans will be transferred as well.
    • Shared Stash
      • Any Shared Stash slots or tabs you purchase during a Season that are not currently available to your non-Seasonal heroes will be transferred accordingly.
    • Achievements
      • Any Achievements or Achievement progress made during the Season is automatically applied to your non-Seasonal Achievement profile. This happens in real time and does not require the Season to end first. Your Achievement point total is also updated appropriately throughout the Season.
    • Season 2 Rewards
      • All players who reach level 70 on a hero in Season 1 will unlock exclusive Boots and Pants transmogrification appearances. These appearances will unlock immediately upon hitting level 70 on a Seasonal hero, and will be available on Seasonal and non-Seasonal heroes alike (even before the Season concludes). To access your new appearances, simply visit Miriam the Mystic and open the Transmogrification tab.
      • In addition, unique banner rewards will be available for those who go the extra mile and earn a few Achievements! Similar to the transmogrification rewards, these banner rewards will be available to all your characters immediately upon unlocking them. You'll receive the following based on the number of Achievement points you've netted:
        • 100: Banner Shape
        • 200: Banner Pattern
        • 300: Banner Accent
        • 400: Banner Sigil

    Note that all heroes, rewards, and progress will convert to the appropriate non-Seasonal game mode. Any items, gold, Paragon experience, Achievements, Artisan levels or recipes, Stash space, and Blood Shards earned on Normal Seasonal heroes with transfer to your Normal non-Seasonal heroes when the season is over. Similarly, anything you’ve earned on Hardcore Seasonal heroes will transfer to your Hardcore non-Season heroes instead. 

    Season 2 Conquests:

    Unlike other rewards, Conquests do not roll over at the end of the Season (because they aren’t available to non-Seasonal heroes). This also means that your non-Seasonal Achievement point total will not be affected by any Conquests you earn during a Season.

    Worry not; your mighty deeds will still be chronicled in the Records page of your profile for you to view at any time!

    Season 2 Leaderboards:

    Once the Season ends, all Seasonal Leaderboards will be wiped and you will be unable to attain new Leaderboard ranks until the next Season begins. The results of the previous Season’s Leaderboards will remain available for viewing in-game. Once the new Season begins, a handy drop-down menu will allow you swap between the current and previous Season records.

    Don't forget that you can also view current and past Leaderboards right here on our website.

    The non-Seasonal Greater Rift Leaderboard will be unaffected by the end of Season and you’ll still be able to compete on them with your non-Seasonal heroes (including those who have just rolled over). These Leaderboards will be reset at a later date; we’ll have more information available as the end of the Era draws nearer!

    Season 2 End & Season 3 Start Dates:

    There will be a short period of time between when a Season ends and the next begins. During this time, you’ll be able to sort through your rollover rewards and review your progress on the Leaderboards. It’s a great time to reflect on the accomplishments you’ve made and enjoy the culmination of your pre and post-Season loot hunts!

    Season 2 will be ending at the following dates and times for each region:

    • North America: Sunday, April 5 @ 9:00 p.m. PDT 
    • Europe: Sunday, April 5 @ 9:00 p.m. CEST
    • Asia: Sunday, April 5 @ 9:00 p.m. KST

    Season 3 will be starting shortly after at the following dates and times for each region:

    • North America: Friday, April 10 @ 6:00 p.m. PDT 
    • Europe: Friday, April 10 @ 6:00 p.m. CEST
    • Asia: Friday, April 10 @ 6:00 p.m. KST

    For time zone assistance, click here. We look forward to seeing you in Season 3!

    Ready for the Rollover?

    How have you fared during Season 2? What was the highest Greater Rift you reached? Did you complete any Conquests? Any other exciting accomplishments to share?

    Let us know in the comments and prepare yourself — Season 3 is just around the corner!

    2시즌 종료일 아시아 서버 4월 5일 일요일 오후9시

    3시즌 시작일 아시아 서버 4월 10일 금요일 오후6시

    아마도 종료일과 시작일사이에 2.2패치가 이뤄지겠죠?

            2차 인벤 ic????님..

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    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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