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뉴욕 맨해튼의 한 병원의 의료진 안전 장비 부족으로 쓰레기봉투까지 입고 코로나19와 싸워야 했던 한 간호사가 끝내 코로나19로 숨졌습니다.
약 2주일 전 마운트 시나이 웨스트(Mount Sinai West)병원의 세 간호사가 병원 복도에서 찍은 사진이 소셜미디어(SNS)에서 화제가 됐었습니다.
코로나19 사태로 제대로 된 의료 장비의 공급이 차질을 빚으면서 비닐로 된 쓰레기봉투를 보호복으로 입었기 때문입니다.
사진 가운데 간호사가 들고 있었던 것 역시 쓰레기봉투가 담긴 상자였습니다.
48살의 카이우스 조든 켈리(Kious Jordan Kelly)가 결국 코로나19로 현지시각 24일 밤 숨졌다고 뉴욕포스트와 뉴욕 타임스 등이 26일 보도했습니다.
정영훈 기자 ([email protected])
An employee at a New York City hospital where nurses are forced to wear garbage bags as gowns has died of coronavirus.
Kious Kelly, 48, died at Mount Sinai West hospital in Manhattan on Tuesday night, a week after he was admitted upon testing positive for coronavirus, according to the New York Post.
Kelly was an assistant nursing manager at Mount Sinai West, which like other hospitals in New York and elsewhere has been hit by an urgent shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and isolation gowns.
A shocking photo posted to Facebook shows three nurses at Mount Sinai West wearing black garbage bags as makeshift protective gowns.
Assistant nursing manager Kious Kelly, 48, died at Mount Sinai West hospital in Manhattan on Tuesday night, a week after he was admitted upon testing positive for coronavirus
A shocking photo posted to Facebook shows three nurses at Mount Sinai West wearing black garbage bags as makeshift protective gowns
출처 | https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200329094744376 |
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