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Method: Standardizing (0.005M Iodine Solution)
1. Put 500ml of 0.01M Iodine solution into measuring cylinder
2. Add 500ml of distilled water into cylinder to make the average concentration of solution can be 0.005M
3. Pour the iodine solution into bottles and label the names
4. Put 0.395g of Sodium thiosulphate into a clean volumetric flask and pour 250ml of distilled water in it. Put on the stopper and shake it until the crystal dissolved
5. Leave for 24 hours to use for titration.
0.01M Iodine solution 이 500ml 있는데,, 여기에 500ml 정도의 distilled water 를 넣으면,, 전체 concentration of iodine solution 이 0.005M 로 맞춰지나요?
지금 제가 뭘 하고있는지도 감이 안잡히는데,, 조금만 도와주실수없나요..
Sodium Thiosulphate 는 왜 넣는지가 이해가안가요..
과제가 Titration 관련인데 엄청헷갈리네요,,
한국서 방학동안 유일하게 못공부해온게 이단원이거든요,, 한국에 안나온다고하더라구요 ,,,
죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.