[등록일시]:2004-03-23 오후 9:59:04
AP.AFP ″독재자 딸이 야당 지도자 됐다″ 타전
고(故) 박정희 대통령의 딸 박근혜 의원이 23일한나라당 임시 전당대회에서 당대표에 선출된데 대해 AP, AFP 등 외신들은 `독재자의 딸'이 제1야당 지도자가 됐다고 타전했다.
미국 통신사 AP는 "한국의 제1야당이 여론의 지탄을 받는 대통령 탄핵소추안 가결 이후 당의 운명을 되살리기 위해 전(前) 독재자의 딸을 대표로 선출했다"고 전했다.
프랑스 통신사 AFP도 `한국의 야당이 독재자의 딸을 지도자로 선택했다'는 제목의 기사에서 "내달 국회의원 선거를 앞두고 한국의 제1야당이 전 독재자 박정희 대통령의 딸을 새로운 지도자로 선출했다"고 서울발로 타전했다.
일본 교도통신은 `한국 한나라당이 새로운 지도자를 뽑았다'는 제목으로 "한국의 최대 야당인 한나라당이 4월15일 국회의원 선거를 앞두고 박정희 전 대통령의 맏딸 박근혜 의원을 새로운 지도자로 뽑았다"고 보도했다.
(서울=연합뉴스) 김영묵기자
Korea's GNP elects new leader
By Charles Scanlon
BBC, Seoul
South Korea's largest political party has turned to the daughter of a ___mer military dictator to try to reverse its declining ___tunes following the impeachment of President Roh Moo-hyun earlier this month.
The Grand National Party (GNP) chose Park Geun-hye as its new leader, less than a month be___e national assembly elections.
The party is suffering a severe backlash after ___cing through the vote on impeachment on 12 March.
Park Geun-hye grew up in the presidential mansion after her father staged a military coup in 1961.
She took on the role of first lady in the 1970s after her mother was assassinated.
Her father, Park Chung-hee, was also shot dead by his own security chief five years later.
Despite his harsh rule, President Park is now revered by many as the man who built the South Korean economy.
That legacy has fuelled support ___ his daughter, who won a landslide victory in the race to lead the opposition GNP.
She said she would trans___m its image as the corrupt party of the establishment.
There would no longer be any protection ___ discredited party members.
Clean image
Both the ruling and opposition parties were found to have taken millions of dollars in illegal contributions during the last election.
South Korean politics has been turned on its head in recent days, following a vote to impeach president Roh Moo-hyun, a liberal who came to office promising to clean up politics.
His supporters have since seen a massive surge of support.
If he is cleared by the constitutional court, as many expect, he could return to office in a much stronger position.
That has prompted the opposition to turn to Park Geun-hye.
She has a clean image, and could rally support from those nostalgic ___ the leadership, order and austerity of a bygone era.
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