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  • 게시물ID : humordata_1666386
    작성자 : sodoge
    추천 : 12
    조회수 : 1458
    IP : 172.91.***.80
    댓글 : 46개
    등록시간 : 2016/05/25 00:53:31
    http://todayhumor.com/?humordata_1666386 모바일
    빨리 말해!

    출처 http://imgur.com/gallery/tK8yuYZ
    sodoge의 꼬릿말입니다
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    ( !!!!!!!!!!!!! 본인 주의하에 클릭하세요!!!!!!!!!!!! )
    질문 받아요. 작성자에게 질문하기-> http://asked.kr/sodoge
    유엔 난민 기구에 후원하면 생기는일:


    弘益人間 뜻 을 이루어라
    Just as it has always been, when our memories of the ancient world fade into twilight - a new era dawns to fill the void: an unfamiliar path with a pulse of its own, a tempo not dictated by the labor of men but accelerated by the rhythm of machines, launching the world into an age of bold innovation. From this cauldron of steel and sweat a vision of prosperity emerged. Harnessing the untold power of the elements, turning night into day, creating new designs that brought the world stage into to masses and providing an experience, that many could never imagine. The advent of mechanized warfare brought devastation like none the world had ever seen, providing a window of opportunity for some to dictate conity as regimes spread their ideologies with a heavy hand, inciting the world to the brink of war. And yet, some chose a different path and, through their vision, brought unique perspective to the world. Singular proponents of free thinking remained striving for peace in their endeavors to unlock secrets of the universe, some of which would fill our hearts with fear and regret. But as this progress unfolds, the finite nature of our world becomes clear: our survival - the survival of all the worlds peoples depends on our ability to coexist in peace, but this peace is tenuous. Although mankind will always look onward, yearning for more, searching for new boundaries, only to break through them with the understanding that this world is one which we all share. With this comes the responsibility of knowing the decisions you make today will have a lasting impact in the generations of tomorrow.

    It's just a ride.
    You see, people were on the ride for a very long time and they begin to question;
    'Is this real? or is this just a ride?'
    It's just a ride. but, some people have remembered and they come back to us, saying 'hey, it's okay, don't worry, because, it's just a ride'
    and we, kill those people. :D
    'Shut him up, we have a lot invested in this ride, shut him up!'
    'Look at my big furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family! This has to be real.'
    Yeah, but let's kill those good guys that tries to tell us that, do you ever notice that?
    And let the demons run this up?

    11월 30일 15년 성능

    5월 20일 2015년 성능

    꼬릿말 고화질 (여기까지 스크롤 하시다니 ㄷㄷ)

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2016/05/25 00:56:57  121.169.***.4  Renya  671269
    [2] 2016/05/25 00:57:12  182.162.***.224  connor9  710736
    [3] 2016/05/25 01:12:52  218.148.***.51  joynjerry  509578
    [4] 2016/05/25 01:22:57  122.43.***.218  YCDI  518183
    [5] 2016/05/25 01:51:29  119.71.***.167  새벽④시  261578
    [6] 2016/05/25 01:55:30  122.35.***.97  호접란  628586
    [7] 2016/05/25 02:01:23  116.121.***.96  TroyeSivan:)  369225
    [8] 2016/05/25 02:09:40  108.162.***.116  흡연구역없음  203615
    [9] 2016/05/25 02:25:49  121.182.***.122  겨l울l아l이  695624
    [10] 2016/05/25 02:29:10  112.149.***.209  코난폐인화  391729
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