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  • 게시물ID : music_155435
    작성자 : 熊のプーさん
    추천 : 2
    조회수 : 279
    IP : 104.231.***.3
    댓글 : 4개
    등록시간 : 2018/09/19 10:53:47
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_155435 모바일
    MGMT - Siberian Breaks

    Sleep as the goer
    The bridge that watches the light speed through
    And cries while the spirit stumbles
    The inside missile for the protection of you
    Maybe it's silent
    The voice can't bear anymore strain
    But speaks without even knowing
    And streams outside in the direction of truth
    There's no reason there's no secrets to decode
    If you can't save it, leave it dying on the road
    Wide open arms can feel so cold
    So cold
    Feel so cold
    Balance the books, the ledges, the loons
    The disappointed look on the faces
    That squint at the moon
    Let's see it with shadows enhanced
    And then vote to decide who'll advance
    Silver jet plane, making a turn
    Exciting the brain that expects it to crash and then burn
    It's not the life lesson I'd've guessed
    If you're conscious you must be depressed
    Or at least cynical
    But someone might still eat the steaks
    Even if they're tough
    Spending the day
    Chewing the fat
    Floating away isn't rough but it's not enough
    Oh Marianne, pass me the joint
    The sandpaper's tan
    Go-getters are surfing the point
    And London's a scratch on the lens
    It's over before it begins
    Silk 'round her neck falls down to her shoulders
    The older I get, the more I suspect there's a trick
    But really there's no trip at all
    That doesn't result in a fall
    Or a faltering
    But something could spit out the bait
    Even if it's real
    Rolling away
    Missing a spoke
    Close to the ground like a wheel but it's not a joke
    Holding the line
    Clutching the phone
    Nobly wasting the night, but it isn't right
    It's not right
    Smelling for blood
    Praying for rain
    Running away isn't rough, but it's not enough
    The low tide is telling me, when it's over,
    To breathe in everything exposed
    And comes back to cover me with a blanket
    Being here's always changing tunes
    The empty sky surrounds me but I can't see at all
    Wide open arms can feel so cold
    And you can sit beside me and tell me what it's
    But I hope I die before I get sold
    I hope I die before I get sold
    I'd rather die before I get sold
    If you find the soul that you lost
    Frozen in a starry void
    Take it within and hope the sight of blood
    Can will signs of life to return
    Back to the way that it was
    Long before it made a noise
    To keep on quietly reminding you
    What's never created or destroyed
    Wake as the swell peaks
    The close-outs drowning the birds with roars
    And howls scare the new unkindness
    That picks and laughs at the carrion scene
    Forces you see breath can always go into hiding
    And wait 'til it passes over
    Or stay far gone for all eternity
    Songwriters: Andrew Wells Vanwyngarden / Benjamin Nicholas Hunter Goldwasser
    Siberian Breaks lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG Rights Management US, LLC

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    [2] 2018/09/19 18:22:25  59.2.***.51  사과나무길  563040
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