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R1 = {A, B, C} 키-A,B
R2 = {B, D, E, F} 키-B,D
R3 = {A, D, G, H, J} 키-A,D
R4 = {A,I} 키-A
이렇게 정의를 하였는데 해설을 보니까
R4 = {A, B, D} 이 있었습니다
왜 이게 있는지 모르겠습니다
해설부분을 발췌하면
To help in solving this problem systematically, we can first find the closures of all
single attributes to see if any is a key on its own as follows:
{A}+ -> {A, I}, {B}+ -> {B}, {C}+ -> {C}, {D}+ -> {D}, {E}+ -> {E}, {F}+ -> {F},
{G}+ -> {G}, {H}+ -> {H, J}, {I}+ -> {I}, {J}+ -> {J}
Since none of the single attributes is a key, we next calculate the closures of pairs of
attributes that are possible keys:
{A, B}+ -> {A, B, C, I}, {B, D}+ -> {B, D, E, F}, {A, D}+ -> {A, D, G, H, I, J}
None of these pairs are keys either since none of the closures includes all attributes. But
the union of the three closures includes all the attributes:
{A, B, D}+ -> {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I}
Hence, {A, B, D} is a key. (Note: Algorithm 15.4a (see chapter 15 in the textbook) can
be used to determine a key).
다음과 같은 내용인데
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