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  • 게시물ID : emigration_1365
    작성자 : cyberbrain
    추천 : 0/9
    조회수 : 1782
    IP : 70.26.***.235
    댓글 : 6개
    등록시간 : 2016/03/01 10:54:21
    http://todayhumor.com/?emigration_1365 모바일
    [캐나다 공영방송] RBC "캐나다 부동산 거품 위험한 수준까지 도달했다


    캐나다에서 제일 큰 은행 RBC라는 곳에서 낸 자료를 CBC가 기사화 했네요

    벤쿠버 시민 소득의 109% 부동산 지출에 쓰인다 (25년 모기지 대출 원리금), 토론토는 70%대

    충격의 충격 입니다 저번의 오두막 집에서 살아가는 밀레니엄 세대에 이어 또 다른 뉴스네요

    제가 이미 수개월전에 이코노미스트 데이터를 기반으로 호주와 캐나다 북서유럽의 집값 버블이 제일 심하다고 했는데

    결국 줄줄이 관련 기사가 이제서야 나오네요 아이러니하게 한국의 많은 사람들이 '복지 천국'이라 생각하던 곳들에서요

    독일 뮌헨이 가처분소득의 50%가 나와서 이것도 심각한 수준이라고 했는데 캐나다는 그것의 두배...

    안그래도 캐나다 '페소' 약세로 수입물가 올라서 Food inflation은 GDP 성장의 4배 가까이 되는데.. 여기 서민들 어떡하죠?

    정말 경악을 금치 못하겠습니다 도대체 캐나다 정부는 그간 뭐했나 궁금합니다 와....ㄷㄷ

    Housing in Vancouver, Toronto 'dangerously unaffordable,' says RBC

    Outside Canada's 2 hottest markets, most households can afford a single-family, detached home

    CBC News Posted: Feb 29, 2016 11:52 AM ET Last Updated: Feb 29, 2016 5:30 PM ET

    Paying for a single-family detached home in Vancouver takes 109 per cent of the average household income — in other words, it's out of reach.  Affordability is also poor in Toronto.

    Paying for a single-family detached home in Vancouver takes 109 per cent of the average household income — in other words, it's out of reach. Affordability is also poor in Toronto. (Associated Press)

    Housing in Canada remains affordable — unless you want a single family detached home in Toronto or Vancouver, according to the RBC housing affordability measure.

    There's been a marked erosion of affordability in Vancouver and Toronto, where housing is approaching the "dangerously unaffordable" level, according to Royal Bank economists. That situation is likely to continue as long as the demand for single family homes outstrips the supply.

    Affordability levels are improving or stable in every other market, according to the RBC housing affordability measure, which has been expanded to look at 14 Canadian urban markets.

    "In most markets the price increases are  modest. You're not seeing those double-digit gains like you're seeing in Toronto and Vancouver. With modest gains in prices, as long as incomes keep growing, you'll see that affordability improve," said  RBC chief economist Craig Wright.

    "It has never been so unaffordable to own a single detached home in the Vancouver area," the report said.

    RBC estimates that for a household with a 25-year mortgage and average income, it will take 109 per cent of their disposable cash to afford the full cost of owning a single, detached home, including mortgage, utilities and taxes.

    Most can't afford Vancouver

    In other words, it's out of reach for most people.

    In Toronto, low interest rates and a good job market have combined to keep demand high, and affordability is "moving closer to risky levels." It takes 71.4 per cent of the average household income to afford the cost of a single family home in Toronto.

    Condos do remain affordable in those cities. Their cost is also rising, though not so quickly as detached homes, the report found.

    The risk is that a sharp correction could leave young homeowners with a hefty mortgage for a home that is no longer worth it, or that they may be unable to afford the payments.

    "Whenever you get to these high values in housing, you're vulnerable to shock. The shock one worries about most in housing is, interest rates to some degree, but more important is employment," Wright said in an interview with CBC's The Exchange.

    Earlier this month, the federal government introduced measures meant to cool the housing market, but skeptics say it may not make much difference. The CMHC now requires a 10 per cent down payment on the portion of any mortgage it insures over $500,000. The five per cent rule remains for the portion up to $500,000.

    How affordable is it?

    The cost of carrying a home in other cities as a percentage of disposable income:

    • Victoria, 52.3 per cent.
    • Calgary, 38.3 per cent.
    • Edmonton, 33.7 per cent.
    • Saskatoon, 35.2 per cent.
    • Regina, 29.8 per cent.
    • Winnipeg, 31.6 per cent.
    • Ottawa, 36.5 per cent.
    • Montreal, 42.8 per cent.
    • Quebec City, 34.1 per cent.
    • Saint John, 28.8 per cent.
    • Halifax, 31 per cent.
    • St. John's, 29.5 per cent.

    RBC noted the impact of low oil prices in Calgary and St. John's. Calgary's housing prices kept their value until the last quarter of 2015, the report said, but downward price pressure is intensifying, and that will mean improved affordability in the year ahead.

    In St. John's, affordability has been improving throughout 2015 and "the shine has come off" the housing market.

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