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구글로 돌리지말고................. 구글해석기로하니까 무슨말인지 이해가안되요......
Mojang UUID/Order number - example: 123a456789012b3c4d5e678901f23gh4
This code is generated when a user registers an account, completes a purchase, or creates a Mojang account. This number does not indicate that you have made a purchase, but is useful for looking up an account if we cannot do so otherwise. If you use this code, please copy and paste it; it's very easy to have a typo. If after a few hours you have only this number and do not have a transaction ID, your purchase was most likely unsuccessful, and you can try your payment again.
죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.