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You think your fucking smart, right?
Everyone has the right to do something that they want, but sometime they cannot do it.
Do you know why? It's because we have the law which prevent something that's not good for our society.
I don't give a fuck what your saying because it's full of shit.
It just proved that you are a fucking airhead without ears to listen other's opinion.
Also, If I said I am not familiar with Korean grammar, please use your brain to find out the reason of that.
You guys are fucking sociopath, and you guys can only talk shit about the Christianity when you are hiding behind the wall, which is called internet.
Please, guys this just make you and me stupid because no one knows the answer of the question we have been arguing.
If you want to state your thought in English, I'll appreciate that.
If you want to state your thought in Korean, I'll also appreciate that.
However, If you want to use the trash language as you said before, don't talk. Just shut your mouth, and just jerking off with the thought that you have in your useless brain.
Thank you so much
PS: Please Mr. Kingsmile, fuck yourself with that twisted mind.
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