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  • 게시물ID : music_177292
    작성자 : 콰이어
    추천 : 2
    조회수 : 611
    IP : 112.160.***.92
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2024/06/04 16:24:01
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_177292 모바일
    Macho Man-Village People


    Body (body), wanna feel my body (wanna feel my body)
    Body (baby), such a thrill, my body (such a thrill, my body)
    Body (yeh yeh), wanna touch my body (wanna touch my body)
    Body (baby), it's too much, my body (it's too much, my body)
    Body (yeh yeh), check it out, my body (check it out, my body)
    Body (baby), don't you doubt, my body (don't you doubt, my body)
    Body (yeh yeh), talking about my body (talking about my body)
    Body (well), checking out my body (listen here)
    Every man wants to be a macho, macho man
    To have the kind of body always in demand
    Joggin' in the mornings, go man go
    Workouts in the health spa, muscles grow
    You can best believe me, he's a macho man
    Glad he took you down with anyone you can
    Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
    Macho, macho man (macho man, yeah)
    I gotta be a macho man (I gotta be a macho man)
    Macho, macho man (yeah)
    I gotta be a macho (oowh)
    Macho, macho man (yeah)
    I gotta be a macho man
    Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah)
    I gotta be a macho
    Body (body), it's so hot, my body (it's so hot, my body)
    Body (baby), love to pop my body (love to pop my body)
    Body (yeh yeh), love to please my body (love to please my body)
    Body (baby), don't you tease my body (don't you tease my body)
    Body (yeh), you'll adore my body (you'll adore my body)
    Body (baby), come explore my body (come explore my body)
    Body (yeh yeh), made by God, my body (made by God, my body)
    Body (baby), it's so good, my body (heey)
    You can tell a macho, he has a funky walk
    His western shirts and leather, always look so boss
    Funky with his body, he's a king
    Call him Mister Ego, dig his chains
    You can best believe that, he's a macho man
    He likes to be the leader, he never dresses grand
    Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
    Macho, macho man (macho man, yeah)
    I've got to be, a macho man (I've got to be)
    Macho, macho man (yeah)
    I've got to be a macho! (Alright)
    Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah)
    I've got to be, a macho man
    Macho, macho man
    I've got to be a macho! (Alright!)
    Body (body), body (oh yeah)
    Body, wanna feel my body (body, wanna feel my body)
    Body (baby), body (alright)
    Body, come and thrill my body (body, come and thrill my body)
    Body (baby), body (alright)
    Body, love to funk, my body (body, love to funk, my body)
    Body (baby), body (uh)
    Body, it's so hot, my body (body, it's so hot)
    Every man ought to be a macho, macho man
    To live a life of freedom, machos make a stand
    Have your own lifestyles and ideals
    Possess the strength of confidence, that's the skill
    You can best believe that he's a macho man
    He's the special god son in anybody's land
    Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
    Macho, macho man (macho man, yeah)
    I gotta be a macho man (I gotta be a)
    Macho, macho man (mucho, mucho, macho man)
    I've got to be a macho! (Dig the hair on my chest)
    Macho, macho man (see my big thick mustache)
    I gotta be a macho man (all right, I gotta be a)
    Macho, macho man (mucho, mucho, macho man)
    I've got to be a macho! (Dig broad shoulders, yeah)
    Macho, macho man (dig my muscles!)
    I gotta be a macho man (talking about)
    Macho, macho man (mucho, mucho, macho man)
    I gotta be a macho (hey)
    I gotta be a macho man
    (I gotta be a mucho mucho, macho macho man)
    (Alright, I said I'm a man, yeah!)
    한국어로 번역



    6월4일은 육포데이임. 6월 4일에 육포를 먹으면 근육질이 된다고 합니다.


    김진태의 만화 시민쾌걸에 나오는 배드맨이 한 말인데...진짜 cu에서 행사를 하고 있군요.

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2024/06/04 17:32:17  112.144.***.216  센치한바퀴벌래  220186
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