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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 11-01-07
    방문 : 2563회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : minecraft_5039
    작성자 : 이름이길데
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 1357
    IP : 36.39.***.28
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2011/10/06 13:59:52
    http://todayhumor.com/?minecraft_5039 모바일
    1.3 때 월드에디터 모든 명령어모음
    Command Parameters Support Description
    //limit <limit> Set a maximum number of blocks to change at most for all operations. This only affects yourself. Use this to prevent catastrophic accidents. This command will not override the limit in the configuration if it is set.
    //undo [num-steps] Undo your last action.
    //redo [num-steps] Redo your last (undone) action. This command replays back history and does not repeat the command.
    /clearhistory Clear your history.
    //wand Gives you the "edit wand" (by default, a wooden axe). Left click with this tool to select position 1 and right click to selection position 2.
    /toggleeditwand Toggles the edit wand selection mode, allowing you to use the edit wand item normally.
    //sel <cuboid|poly> Choose the region shape to use for selections.
    //pos1 Set selection position #1 to the block above the one that you are standing on.
    //pos2 Set selection position #2 to the block above the one that you are standing on.
    //hpos1 Set selection #1 to the block that you are looking at.
    //hpos2 Set selection position #2 to the block that you are looking at.
    //chunk Select the chunk that you are within for your selection.
    //expand <amount> Expands the selection in the direction that you are looking.
    //expand <amount> <direction> Expands the selection in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).
    //expand <amount> <reverse-amount> [direction] Expands the selection in two directions at once.
    //expand vert Expands the selection to include sky to bedrock.
    //contract <amount> Contracts the selection in the direction that you are looking towards.
    //contract <amount> [direction] Contracts the selection in the specified direction (north, east, south, west).
    //contract <amount> <reverse-amount> [direction] Contracts the selection in two directions at once.
    //outset [-hv] <amount> Outset the selection in every direction.
    //inset [-hv] <amount> Inset the selection in every direction.
    //shift <amount> [direction] Moves the selection region. It does not move the selection's contents.
    //size Get the size of selected region.
    //count <block> Count the number of blocks in the region.
    //distr [-c] Get the block distribution in the selection.
    Region operations
    //set <block> Set all blocks inside the selection region to a specified block.
    //replace <to-block> Replace all non-air blocks blocks inside the region.
    //replace <from-block> <to-block> Replace all blocks of the specified block(s) with another block inside the region.
    //overlay <block> Place a block on top of blocks inside the region.
    //walls <block> Build the walls of the region (not including ceiling and floor).
    //outline <block> Build walls, floor, and ceiling.
    //smooth [iterations] Smooth the selection's heightmap.
    //regen Regenerate the selection region.
    //move [count] [direction] [leave-id] Move the selection's contents. A block can be specified to fill in the left over area.
    //stack [count] [direction] Stacks the selection.
    //copy Copies the currently selected region. Be aware that it stores your position relative to the selection when copying.
    //cut Cuts the currently selected region.
    //paste [-ao] Pastes the clipboard.
    //rotate <angle-in-degrees> Rotate the clipboard.
    //flip [dir] Flip the clipboard.
    //load <filename> Load .schematic into clipboard.
    //save <filename> Save clipboard to .schematic.
    /clearclipboard Clear your clipboard.
    //hcyl <block> <radius> [height] Create a vertical hollow cylinder.
    //cyl <block> <radius> [height] Create a vertical cylinder.
    //sphere <block> <radius> [raised?] Create a sphere.
    //hsphere <block> <radius> [raised?] Create a hollow sphere.
    /forestgen [size] [type] [density] Make a forest.
    /pumpkins [size] Make a pumpkin forest
    /toggleplace Toggle between using pos #1 or your current position.
    //fill <block> <radius> [depth] Fill a hole.
    //fillr <block> <radius> Fill a hole fully recursively.
    //drain <radius> Drain nearby water/lava pools.
    /fixwater <radius> Level nearby pools of water.
    /fixlava <radius> Level nearby pools of lava.
    /removeabove [size] [height] Remove blocks above your head.
    /removebelow [size] [height] Remove blocks below your feet.
    /replacenear <size> <from-id> <to-id> Replace all existing blocks nearby.
    /removenear [block] [size] Remove blocks near you.
    /snow [radius] Simulate snow cover.
    /thaw [radius] Unthaw/remove snow.
    /ex [size] Extinguish fires.
    /butcher [radius] Kill nearby mobs.
    /remove <type> <radius> Remove nearby entities.
    Chunk tools
    /chunkinfo Get the filename of the chunk that you are in.
    /listchunks Print a list of used chunks.
    /delchunks Generate a shell script to delete chunks.
    Super pickaxe
    // Toggle the super pick axe.
    /sp single Switch to single block super pickaxe mode.
    /sp area <range> Switch to area super pickaxe mode.
    /sp recur <Range> Switch to recursive super pickaxe mode.
    /none Switch to no tool.
    /info Switch to the info tool.
    /tree [type] Switch to the tree tool. Available types [tree, regular, big, bigtree, redwood, sequoia, tallredwood, tallsequoia, birch, white, whitebark, pine, randredwood, randomredwood, anyredwood, rand, random]
    /repl <block> Switch to the block replacer tool.
    /cycler Block data cycler tool.
    /brush sphere [-h] <type> <radius> Switch to the sphere brush tool.
    /brush cylinder [-h] <type> <radius> [height] Switch to the cylinder brush tool.
    /brush clipboard Switch to the clipboard tool.
    /brush smooth <radius> [iterations] Smooth the region.
    /size <size> Change the size of the current brushes
    /mat <mat> Change the material used by your current brush.
    /mask Clear the mask
    /mask <mask> Set a mask
    Getting around
    /unstuck Go up to the first free spot.
    /ascend Go up one level.
    /descend Go down one level.
    /ceil [clearance] Get to the ceiling.
    /thru Go through the wall that you are looking at.
    /jumpto Jump to the block that you are looking at.
    /up [distance] Go up some distance.
    //restore [snapshot] Restore a particular snapshot.
    /snap use <snapshot> Use a particular snapshot.
    /snap list [num] List the 5 newest snapshots.
    /snap before <date> Find the first snapshot before the given date.
    /snap after <date> Find the first snapshot after the given date.
    /cs <script> [args...] Executes a script.
    /.s [args...] Re-executes last script with new arguments.
    /<script>.js [args...] Executes a JS script.
    General commands
    /search <item> Search for an item by its name.
    /worldedit reload Reloads WorldEdit's configuration.
    /worldedit version Gets WorldEdit's version.
    /worldedit tz Set your timezone. This is temporary.


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